Chapter 2

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Here's a little tease of Sebastiano's POV. Don't worry, I think you'll be quite happy with me in the upcoming chapters.

Picture above is of Madeleine

Sebastiano's POV

I stare down at the unconscious girl next to my sister. Blood is coming out of her mouth and nose, her arm looks to be broken, and she's holding her stomach. Whoever did this is clearly a messed up individual. I'm a mafia boss and I wouldn't even do this to a female.

A door slams shut. I turn around to see a larger man stomping into the room. "What are you all doing here? You need to leave." He picks the young girl up and throws her onto the bed.

Alessandra jumps up and gets in his face. "Why did you do this to her, Darnell?!" Anger is written all over her face as she yells at him, pointing in his face. Darnell grabs her wrist and twists it, hard. She screams out in pain.

Swiftly crossing the room, I punch the a-hole in the face. Francesco pulls my sister towards him and holds her close. Darnell goes to punch me but I duck, just in time. I push him against the wall, holding him by the collar of his shirt. Then, I start slamming his head against the wall until he passes out. "Let's get out of here." Picking the girl up from the bed, I walk out as she dangles in my arms.

Madeleine's POV

The strong smell of sanitizer wakes me from my sleep. When my eyes open, I'm startled. My eyes wander around and gather that I'm in an empty hospital room. I try to get up, but I can't. My entire body aches. As I'm searching my body, I notice that I have a cast on my right arm and bruises covering my skin.

Hearing the door open, I look up to see Alessandra walking into the room. "Mads, I'm so glad you're awake." I nod. Not only is my body in pain, but my soul is too. I was in love with him, and he cheated on me. It wasn't the first time he laid his hands on me, sometimes it would be to the point where I'd have to cancel a shoot. My love for him blinded me. 

Alessandra is by my side in an instant, caressing my cheek, moving my hair behind my ear. She asks quietly, "I'm glad you're okay.." I look around the room, trying to avoid eye contact with her. Being here was an embarrassment for me. The door swings open and my eyes meet three muscular, good looking men, one being Francesco, Alessandra's boyfriend. They must've been the male figures I saw before passing out. The one in front stands before my bed. "How are you Madeleine?" I blankly stare at him.

"I don't think she's ready to speak to anyone yet," Alessandra answers for me. "The doctor said she can leave today." The man by the foot of my bed nods.

"She'll be staying with me," his loud, demanding voice made my body shake. Alessandra looked like she wanted to protest, but after she was glared at, she sighed. 

"I think that's a good idea. Madeleine, you'll be safe with my brother, Sebastiano. Darnell knows where I live, so he would be able to find you easily if you were with me." She kisses my forehead before exiting the room, followed by Francesco and the large man that I wasn't introduced to.

Shortly after, a nurse enters the room with discharge papers and prescriptions for painkillers. She takes out my IV swiftly before her departure. Sebastiano's eyes rake over my body as I try to get up. His hand is extended to me, offering his help, but I refuse. Shaking my head, I say, "I've got it," and roll myself off the bed and onto my feet.

Uncomfortable from the way Sebastiano's eyes never left my body, I grab the clothes that were left for me on the nightstand and made my way to the attached bathroom. Minutes pass and I enter back into the room with my hair tied back into a ponytail while wearing nude leggings, a white tank top, and a black cardigan. I watch as Sebastiano's eyes roam all over my body. I clear my throat awkwardly, trying to get his attention off of my curvaceous body and onto my face . His hazel eyes widen in realization that he's been caught and he quickly looks away, "You ready?" To answer his question, I nod. He leads me out of the hospital and to his beautiful, black Audi R8. 

When we finally arrive at his penthouse, I stare around in awe. It's spacious and modern, with black and white furniture. Sebastiano throws his keys down onto the marble kitchen counter before looking back at me, grinning.  Realizing my jaw was practically on the ground as I admire his place, I quickly closed my mouth and began to feel my cheeks heating up.

"Well, it's getting late. I'll show you to your room." He gestures for me to follow as he makes his way down a hall.  When we reach a double door at the end of the hall, Sebastiano swings the doors open, revealing a large, beautiful room. The bed was a California king, with a grey comforter and white and teal accent pillows, while the walls were painted a very soft grey. There are large windows that give a view of a large pool outside, as well as large trees in the back.

"This is amazing," a soft whisper escapes my mouth. From the bright smile on Sebastiano's face, I'm guessing he heard it. "I'm glad you think so. You can stay here as long as you like. Make yourself at home." Gratefully, I return the smile. Before he walks out, he pulls something from his pocket. I gasp at the sight of my iPhone being held in his large hands. 

"Thank you." Sebastiano doesn't respond, but he turns and leaves the room.

Nervously, I turn on the phone and see several missed calls and text messages.

Darnell: Baby, I'm so sorry. Come home, we can work this out

Darnell: Baby?

Darnell: You need to come home. Now

Darnell: So help me God, if you don't come home now, I will do more to you than just throw you around a bit.

Darnell: Please, I can't lose you

And so on.

Alcohol. That's what I need. Oh yes, definitely. Peaking my head out of the door, I watch for any sign of Sebastiano. All clear. After tiptoeing to the kitchen, I search the cabinets for alcoholic goodies. I'm standing on the counter as I rummage through the tallest cabinets.

I nearly scream out of joy when I finally found some. Holding a bottle of vodka in my hands, I quietly hop off the counter and lean onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. Taking the top off, I throw my head back and chug the bottle. Tonight, I decide that I will not stop until I'm numb.

Hours later and I'm laying in a large, porcelain bathtub, staring at the phone in my hands. After going over the reasons not to call over and over in my head, I whip the phone across the room. As soon as it hits the floor, tears are raining down my face. I can taste the salt on my lips and feel my eyes become swollen. 

Please vote and comment. I'd love to get some feedback and recommendations on what to include in this story. - em

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