Chapter 19

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Coming back into my bedroom after my warm shower, I notice a large box placed on my bed. As I opened it, I gasped at the beautiful, red dress. A note was placed on the top.

It said that there was a gala being held at someone's house in an hours and that I'm to attend, signed by Belmont. I bit the inside of my cheek. He left out the name of who is holding the event, probably on purpose.

With only an hour to get ready, I got started fast. I gave myself a simple, bronze makeup look with a matte dark red lip. Looking at the clock, I had taken around twenty minutes. After the curling iron heated, I took strands of my hair and curled them loosely. When the clock said 10 minutes left, I quickly dressed and put in silver earrings.

My door opened without a knock and I gave a soft smile to Belmont. We haven't spoken since that night, which was two months ago. I'm eight months pregnant now, and it's been an extremely lonely and depressing trimester so far.

Since that incident with Bash, Clement and him aren't allowed to even look at me. Although, Clement likes to break that rule by winking at me and making inappropriate gestures. I've seen Bash's face and I can tell he's heartbroken. I mean, I am too. He became my best friend quickly and it was messing with my emotions.

Belmont smiled at me, "You look beautiful, Madeleine." I roll my eyes, "Of course I do, with this huge baby belly. Who can resist?" I say as I rub my large bump in circles. His deep, loud laugh echoes through my bedroom, making a smile errupt onto my face.

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he noticed my feet. "You're going to wear high heels? Are you sure about that?" I look down and examine my feet, covered in strappy black heels. "Bel, I was a model. I can walk in heels."

He groans and turns, "I'm not carrying you." I shrug and follow him out the door. I notice his men glance at me as we walk down the hall. Clement and Bash were trailing behind us as we made our way to the cars.

In our SUV, Belmont and I sat in the back while Bash drove and Clement took the passenger seat. While Bel was texting on his cell, I noticed Bash watching me from the rearview mirror, making my heart skip a beat.

The ride was slow but when we finally got there, I stared at the unfamiliar, large mansion. I looked over at Belmont, "Who's place is this?" He got serious and looked into my eyes, "Darnell's. He got a new place." My mouth dropped and he pulled me out of the car, roughly as I tried to resist.

"Stop making this hard, you're embarrassing yourself. Stand up. You're part of this world, whether you like it or not. So we will go in there and you will behave." I huffed but nodded my head, slowly. "Good," he said before kissing my head, "Now let's go inside."

As we entered the mansion, there was a set of large stairs leading down into the ballroom. Belmont was dragged into a conversation so I wandered over to the balcony overlooking the ballroom. I searched the sea of people for a familiar face when I noticed Darnell in the middle of the room, staring back up at me.

His lips curved up into a smirk as he lifted his hand to signal me down. Hesitating, I slowly walk down the steps towards him. I knew he had the upper hand on me here, by the way his men stared at me with hands on their poorly concealed weapons. He knew I couldn't try anything, he had all the power over me.

He took my hands in his and pressed up against me, "How about a dance?" I gasped at his boldness and he wrapped an arm around my waist, slowly lowering down towards my butt. He spinned us around, stepping with his feet so we were dancing.

As we moved, I continued to search for someone to interrupt us when finally someone did. "Hello Darnell." Darnell stopped our dancing to greet Belmont. "Belmont, so glad you made it, my friend!"

Belmont glanced at me before looking back at Darnell, "I think my sister might be a bit hungry. I should bring her to get some food." Darnell grew cold, his smile dropping. "Oh but we were just getting re-acquainted with each other."

I could see Belmont stiffen, "You can have her back as soon as I get some food into her, I promise." Darnell's frightening grin returned, "I'll hold you to it." With that, Belmont grabbed my arm and pulled me to the buffet tables in the dining area.

"Ow!" I rubbed my arm when he let go. He rolled his eyes at my dramatics, "Oh be quiet. Get something to eat, I know you're hungry. You haven't eaten much today." As I grabbed a plate, I looked at him with a brow raised. "You monitor my eating, now?"

Belmont followed behind me as I filled my plate. "Well, someone has to make sure you're healthy." We sit down at a round, decorated table. As soon as I shovel a large bite into my mouth, I hear someone say my name. I slap my hand around my overly stuffed mouth as my eyes grow wide.

Looking behind me, I see Sebastiano staring at me. Beside him stand his posse, Alessandra, Francesco, and Lucian, all watching me with grins on their faces.

Quickly swallowing, I stand up. I do a waddle run towards Alessandra, about to jump on her when her face shows a look of terror as she backs away quickly. I stop, puzzled at why she was scared. Seeing I was done, she walks towards me, "Madeleine, you realize you're freaking huge, right? You would've killed me."

I narrow my eyes at her, about to start cussing her down. Seeing I was angry at her words, she quickly wrapped me into a hug, calming me down. The men watch us, amused.

As we pulled away, I saw Sebastiano staring at my bump. I sigh before nearing him. I take his hand in mine and place it on my stomach. Baby kicks right away at the contact. His smile tells it all, he actually does want this baby. He has to know it's his.

Someone clears their throat, "How sweet. Sebastiano, I forgot you were invited to this event." Darnell looks at his assistant and glares at them before continuing, "Madeleine, you ready for that second dance?" Sebastiano looks at him, narrowing his eyes. "You realize she's pregnant with my child, right? Why do men not care about this?!" He yells, clenching his fists at his sides.

Darnell steps forward, almost getting in Sebastiano's face. "Belmont promised a second dance from Madeleine. And I'd like to collect now." Sebastiano gives a murderous look towards Belmont as I step forward.

"I'd love to dance, Darnell," I say, forcing a smile. Darnell grabs my hand tightly and drags me to the ballroom before getting into position, his arm wrapped around me. We dance in circles as he tries to make conversation.

"I know you're pregnant with another man's child, but does that matter? You guys aren't even together, and I doubt he'd make a good father." Without answering, I just fake another smile at him. "I could be a great father. You should know, I do still love you. I think we could be good together, if we tried again."

My chest tightens and I feel breathless. I back away from him, "I need to use the bathroom," I quickly make out before waddling towards the bathrooms, down a hall.

After I slow my breathing and use the toilet, I exit the restroom. As I begin walking, a hand grabs my butt and another takes ahold of my arm. Just as I'm about to scream, a hand is thrown over my mouth. The two men with masks drag me to a room.

I'm thrown onto the bed of the room while they hold me down. One of them begins to pull my dress up as tears start to fall down my face. I kick my legs and throw my arms around, trying to fight the attackers.

I sob into the man's hand. My panties are fully exposed when they're ripped from my body. I snatch their masks off as soon as I have the chance and I gasp at who I see.

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