Chapter 3

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Hello, my favorite Wattpad readers! This chapter is pretty depressing for my dear Madeleine. Including rape, HOWEVER, the details aren't too graphic. I kept things to a minimum for you all. Please make sure to leave some feedback and ideas, I'd be so grateful! - em

Picture above is Madeleine

Sebastiano's POV

A loud crash wakes me from my sleep. Grabbing the loaded pistol from the top drawer of my nightstand, I slowly creep down the hallway. I follow the noise to Madeleine's empty bedroom and to the ensuite. Seeing the door left cracked open, I swing it fully open.

At the noise of the door, Madeleine stands still in the middle of the room, holding a broken, empty bottle of vodka, looking at me. The mirror above the sink is smashed, broken shards of glass covering the marble floor. Her soft, brown eyes are now red and swollen. Her cheeks are stained and in that moment, I could feel my heart ache for this young, innocent girl.

She cries out and throws the empty bottle at the wall before dropping to her knees. I, too, drop to my knees, pulling her into my chest. "I'm so sorry," I felt the need to apologize for the bad in the world. After all, I am the bad in the world.

As she sobs into my bare chest, I run my fingers through her hair, trying to soothe her. Footsteps in the hallway bring me back into reality. I jump to my feet, not wanting to be seen as a caring person. Luciano enters the bathroom, examines the scene and raises an eyebrow at me.

"I just found her like this, I don't know what to do." I played it off, nonchalantly. "Hm." Lucian walks towards her, drops to her level, and pulls her up into his arms. She doesn't struggle against his hold, instead she cuddles into his chest. I look away, pretending I didn't care as he carries her away.

When I enter her room, she's fast asleep in her bed, laying on top of Luciano's half naked body in only a large t-shirt. A sick feeling in my stomach erupts and I have to leave the room in a hurry. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I try to calm myself.

Madeleine's POV

As soon as my eyes opened, I regretted it. The light was blinding and my head was throbbing with pain. What the hell did I do last night?

I suddenly notice that I'm laying on top of a bare, muscular body. Oh god, please, no. I grimace at the thought of having drunken sex with a stranger. I've only slept with one man. The body underneath me starts to move and I realize he's waking up.

"Buongiorno bellezza," I look up to see an extremely handsome man smiling at me. From the look I had on my face, he started chuckling. "No no, Principessa. We did not have sex. Not that I didn't want to." I got off of him and smile sheepishly. "I'm sorry."

"It's really not a big deal at all. I'm Lucian, by the way. Sebastiano never introduced us."

"Madeleine. Do you live here?" He nods, "So, that guy. Darnell was it?"

I sigh. "Yes, Darnell. Together for three years." "What does he do? For work, that is." I look at him, suspiciously. "Why does this matter to you?" He raises his hands, trying making himself appear innocent. But, I know better.

"Are you going back to him?" I ignore his question. "Hello? You do realize he will kill you, right?" I shake my head, laughing.

He glares at me, "What's so funny?" "He may have hurt me a little, but he's no killer." "Well, if you believe that, then you're already dead." He pushes me to the side and gets off the bed, grabbing his shirt and leaving.

I fall back onto the bed and stare at the ceiling. Is Lucian right? Am I mistaken? I've loved this man for three years and he didn't start hurting me until the last year. I must've done something to piss him off. It was my fault, right? But I don't know anymore. I jumped to my feet and rushed to get ready, before calling for a cab. With my phone in my hand, I ran down the stairs and to the door, only to have two very concerned men sitting on the couch.

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