Chapter 16

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My relationship with Sebastiano has spiraled downward. It's been a few months, and my downfall has been overwhelmingly fast. First, I could hear moans of a woman along with Sebastiano's grunts as I walked by his office. This happened more and more as the time went by. Suddenly I have no energy or desire to get out of bed. My chest feels heavy and my body feels empty. My heart is his toy, he holds it in his hands, and at any minute, he could make this breath my last. If only it were that easy.

Now I'm laying in bed, bundled up in the silk covers. The curtains are shut, making the room almost pitch black. Looking over to the side of the bed where Sebastiano once slept, I squeeze my eyelids closed, with tears threatening to escape. I use every ounce of strength I have left to get up from the bed. My knees grow weak and my body falls to the floor in defeat. This room is laced with memories that I don't want to relive anymore.

I crawl towards the closer, slowly gaining the strength and energy to walk. I grab a couple of large bags and throw my clothes in. Sucking up my tears and trying to calm my breath, I make my way to his side of the closet. Caressing the fabrics with my fingers, I pull the arm to a jacket to my nose and sniff, reminding me of his smell. I step away, turning around before I spin back around and rip all of his clothes off the racks, throwing them to the floor.

Walking back towards my bags, I steal a look in the mirror. I rubbed my protruding stomach, biting my lip as I smiled. Sebastiano may have caused a lot of pain, but this baby will never fail to make me smile in any situation. Giving myself a moment to revel in this, I take a deep breath and finally grab my bags, walking out of the bedroom.

As I pass the open door of Sebastiano's office, I roll my eyes and scoff at the sound of high pitched moans. I don't even look into the office, although I wanted to. I just keep walking until I'm at the front door. I close my eyes for a split second and hear, "Madeleine!" I turn around to see a confused Lucian.

I grab the door handle, but he quickly grabs my hand on top of it. My eyes narrow at him and I practically growl, "Get your hand off of me." He pulls his hand away but tries to grab my arm instead. As fast as I could, I threw the door open and ran.
I made it all the way to a coffee shop in town without him catching up to me. Thank God for my trainings. Maybe once upon a time, I'll start them again. After ordering a hot tea, I sat down at a small table and set my bags down. Using my phone, I searched up nearest hotels and picked the cheapest, farthest one.

Before my Uber brought me to the Super 8, I had the driver bring me to the closest park. I had the driver wait for me as I swiftly walked towards the pond, where I threw my phone into. Then I raced back to the car and hopped in.

Upon arrival at the Super 8, I saw a couple sketchy people that appeared to be on some sort of drug. I quickly checked in and headed to my room on the third floor. After locking the door, I pushed the dresser in front of it. I looked around the room, to see there was a window. Slowly, I neared the window and looked out of it. It was a straight drop. I released my breath that I had been holding.

Staring at the stained bed, I can't decide whether to sleep on it or in the bathtub, where there was probably the same amount of fluids in. Shaking my head in disgust, I place my bags on the floor, making a bed. Laying down on the bags, my eyes began to close, pushing me further into sleep.

A loud knock on the door made me jump. My hand covered my stomach as my heart dropped. I held my breath, waiting to hear his voice-"Room service!" I sighed in relief, my hand rubbing my hungry stomach. I pushed the dresser away from the door and undid the locks before opening it. The blonde lady smiled at me, waiting for me to speak. I looked around the hallway before answering, "No thank you. But, where is the nearest coffee shop?"

After changing clothes and putting my hair into a ponytail and a hat, I headed to the coffee shop down the road. I ordered an iced coffee and sat down. Looking around, I see a teenager on his phone. I walk over to him and ask, "Hi! Could I use your phone for a second?" The boy smirks at me, "Of course you can, beautiful." Gagging on the inside, I smile and take the phone. I type in the number, after using *67, obviously, and then hold the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I bite my lip before replying, "Ale-". "Madeleine! Where are you? Everyone is looking for you. What happened? Are you okay?" I laugh, "I'm okay. I'm safe. I just couldn't do it anymore. Sebastiano, he.."

Alessandra's voice got loud, "What the hell did he do?!" "Well, he's been sleeping with someone else. In the house, while I'm there and can hear." "What a fucking douche! I'm going to break him. And that slut. Who is it?"

The boy taps on my shoulder, "It's been like a few minutes, can I have my phone back?" I nod and then say into the phone, "I have to go. I'll call again in a bit." "No! Don't go!" I hit the end button and handed him back his phone.

"Thanks so much," I smile. I grab my coffee and start walking to the hotel. As I'm walking, I see Belmont and a few of his men eating at a restaurant. My heart drops. I'm not sure if Sebastiano told Belmont I was gone or not. I continue walking, trying to pretend nothing is up.

While walking by the window, I see one of Belmont's men point at me. Within seconds they're all staring at me. My heart begins to race when they start to get up. The hotel is pretty close, so I make a run for it.

As soon as I reach my room, I lock it up and push the dresser back in front of it. Backing up, my back reaches the window. They bang on the door, making it rattle. My breathing quickens as the door breaks open and the dresser moves against the bed.

I look behind me, thinking. Quickly, I punch out the window and jump up into the frame. "Madeleine!" I look behind me to see Belmont and his men, looking terrified. "I'm not going back." He sucks in a breath, "You don't have to. You can come with me." Letting out a laugh, I reply, "You let me live with Darnell for years, knowing what he was doing. Now, you want to care?"

Looking ahead of me, I smile as the wind blows through my hair. I close my eyes. "Madeleine. Don't you do it." I turn my head back towards him. "Will you protect me?" His head nods as tears start pooling in his eyes. The sight pained me.

I stepped off the window frame and he grabbed me, pulling me into his chest. His eyes widened and he pushed me away. After traveling to my stomach, his eyes shot up to mine. "Does Sebastiano know?" I shook my head slowly, "I don't want him to." He nods, "We can discuss this later." When Belmont releases me, I go to grab my bags.

Without any warning, one of Bel's men runs at me, pushing me against the windowsill. His hand is on my neck, holding my head out of the window.

"Antoine! What are you doing?" The man choking me, Antoine, laughs, "I don't work for you anymore. Darnell will overpower you, and we will all help him." Belmont and the rest of the men inch closer. A cold, hard object is pushed under my chin, as Antoine yells, "Back the fuck up!"

Tears start to fall down my cheeks as I manage to speak, "Please," I try to pull his hand off my neck, "My baby-". "Is a disgrace. You're French. You had no business being with an Italian. This baby should belong to someone of French blood. Someone like Darnell."

My vision begins to go dark when I hear more voices come into the room. Gunshots are firing and I'm thrown to the floor, hitting my head on the windowsill. Sharp pain explodes in my stomach when Antoine's foot connects with my stomach. I scream out. My eyes open just enough to see Sebastiano with narrowed eyes and his hand on the trigger, firing at Antoine. Eyes closing, losing consciousness with them.

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