Chapter 25

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Taking in a deep breath, I pick my daughter up from her wooden crib. I couldn't get over how adorable she is. Even in my cranky, tired mood, I would coo at my little girl and whisper to her about her cuteness. We've come to an agreement and established a routine over the past six weeks, so I'm less cranky. Until Sebastiano comes into view.

Sebastiano and I don't talk much. He must understand that I'm still hurt by the way he treated me when we were together, so he keeps his distance. That's why I'm startled when he enters Palatina's nursery with a serious look on his face, walking towards me. I stand, rocking my baby in my arms as he stops in front of me.

Sebastiano looks around awkwardly before stating, "I'm having a meeting in two hours with some associates and they requested that you'd be there. Valentin and Boris are big fans. Apparently, word got around of the mess you've made of our enemies and people are impressed."

Laughing softly, I shake my head. "I'll stop in. Who else should I expect to see?" He inhales deeply before responding, "Well, Belmont will be there. So will Darnell." Interrupting him, I say, "He's an associate? I thought he was just an ass." A chuckle escapes Sebastiano, making me smile.

Palatina moves around, causing me to gaze down at her soft features. Sebastiano follows my eyes and clears his throat. He whispers, "Can I hold her?" Smiling, I nod. "Sebastiano, she's your daughter. Hold her whenever you'd like," I reply while gently transferring her into her father's arms.

He moves towards the rocking chair and takes a seat, throwing his feet onto the foot rest. Italian whispers flow out of his mouth like music, making my legs turn into jello. I skedaddle out of there, giving them this moment.

Opening my eyes from my short nap, I glance at the clock on my phone. It's 8:27, so I'm late. "Shit," I exclaim, jumping up from my bed. After a quick shower, I dress into a nice, tight white dress that showed off my curves wonderfully. My hair was in a ponytail with loose curls at the ends, and I did a natural makeup look for the day.

After throwing on a pair of wedges, I made my way to Sebastiano's office. I lightly knocked before entering. Smiling at the group of men, I go to sit in an empty seat next to Belmont. Before sitting, Bel stands and takes me into a big hug. When we pull apart, the man next to me comments, "Can I get a hug, too, сексуальный?" (sexy)

I roll my eyes and sit down, noticing how Sebastiano's face turned sour at the remark. "Eyes, comments, and gestures to yourself, Valentin." I look over at Valentin, in disgust. He was making gestures?

"How bloody were you after you attacked Paolo's men? I wish it was recorded. I heard rumors that you look like Carrie," the other man in the room, who I assume must be Boris, says.

"I can't remember. All I know is they had my daughter." Valentin interjects, "I doubt Sebastiano was that bloody." Sebastiano slams his fist on the table, "Are you saying I don't care about my daughter?" Valentin laughs, making Sebastiano grow even more angry. "I'm just saying, mama bears kill for their babies-."

Sebastiano practically roars, "I would kill for my baby, too! Hell, I should kill you now for making remarks that I wouldn't!" He pulls out his gun and aims it at Valentin, making everyone in the room jump up. I quickly slide in front of Valentin, unintentionally making my butt rub against him. I feel him stiffen as I put my hand up.

"Sebastiano, calm down. I know you love our daughter, we all know. He was just being silly. Put your gun down." I try to ignore Valentin's boner against my ass as I talk Sebastiano out of killing the guy.

I walk around the table, putting my hand on his arm, pushing it down. I cup his cheek with my other hand, before slipping the gun out of his hand. It was a bad idea to move from in front of Valentin. As soon as Sebastiano looked at Valentin again, he notices the large erection that Valentin is trying to hide.

Sebastiano jumps across the table, swinging his fists around. I yell, "Oh fuck!" As soon as Sebastiano lands on Valentin, his fist connects with his cheek. Blood splatters onto the floor and I hold the gun up to the ceiling and shoot. The noise causes the men to stop and pull apart.

They stand side by side as I scold them. "Sebastiano! He got a boner, who cares. You get them too, so does every man in this room. How dare you throw around fists over something so stupid? I'm not even your girl, why the hell do you care?" I continue yelling at him when Valentin lets out a chuckle.

"Excuse you?" I aim the gun at his dick, "You keep instigating! Shut the fuck up!" I hear laughter from Belmont, then all of them start laughing. Growing annoyed, I throw the gun at Sebastiano, disappointed by him catching it. I stomp out of the room.

Sebastiano grabs onto my arm before I leave the room and bites his lip. "I do get boners. Especially from your fat ass and the thought of your tight pussy. I wish you'd let me fuck again, and to be my girl. I promise I'll never hurt you again." I nod, listening to him speak before he takes me by surprise. He kisses me intensely, pulling my hair gently, giving my stomach butterflies.

Someone clears their throat, making us separate. "You realize you have an audience, including your own brother," Belmont pipes up. I shake my head, "I'm leaving now to go see Palatina." When I turn to leave, Sebastiano slaps my butt making me jump.

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