Chapter 17

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Move. I can't move. I desperately wanted to place a hand on my stomach - to know my little baby was still in there. Voices became increasingly louder around me, the ringing in my ears still blocking out what they were saying.

Everything inside of me wanted to show them I'm awake. Maybe I can move a finger. That can't be so hard. I focused on my right pointer finger. I wanted to cry out in frustration, but nothing came out. Suddenly, I felt it twitch. All of the voices hushed.

Within seconds, I could fully move my finger. I flinched as a loud yell echoed in my ear. A groan is released from me as I move my shaky hand to my stomach. My lips curved upward into a smile as I rubbed my bump.

A hand is placed on top of mine, making me open my eyes in curiosity. Alessandra was hovering above me, tears dripping down her rosy cheeks. My eyes roamed around the hospital room, taking in the faces staring at me. Belmont was standing in the corner with one of his men, Sebastiano and Lucian stood on the other side of the bed from Alessandra.

Lucian inches closer, smiling down at me. "Buongiorno bellezza." I lift my other arm and grab his hand softly. With a smile, I reply, "Hi Lucian." I could see Sebastiano stiffen at the interaction and I internally rolled my eyes. I look at Alessandra, "What day is it?"

"It's Sunday." I sigh, "So it's only been a few days. I was worried it was longer." She shook her head, "That was long enough. So glad you're awake." She sniffled. Belmont came to my bedside and looked up at Sebastiano, "Could we have a minute?" Sebastiano hesitated, but soon gave in.

After the room cleared, Belmont let out a shaky breath. "I was so worried, my Madeleine." "I'm okay, it's okay." He presses a kiss to my forehead, "When you feel ready to leave, we will leave and you will come back with me." I nod my head, "When can I leave?"
A feminine voice interrupts, "Hi Madeleine. I'm glad to see you've woken up. Your vitals are perfect, including the fetal vitals, so you can leave tomorrow, if you're still doing great." The doctor smiles at me and exits the room.

Belmont looks from the door to me, "Well I guess that answers it." My laugh dies down quickly, "I don't think they'll let you take me. I mean, Sebastiano now knows, he's going to want me back in my room until the delivery." Belmont's eyes narrow at me, "He's not having you. He was sleeping with women while you slept in the same house. I don't think he should have a say at all."

The door is slammed open, making me jump from my bed. Sebastiano is staring at us, looking angrier than I've seen before. "How dare you? That is my child, giving me a say." He slowly walks closer, his eyes trained on me. Lucian enters the room and grabs ahold of Sebastiano, giving him a look.

Sebastiano laughs loudly, "You know what, nevermind. Take her. And the baby. What do I care? It's probably not mine anyways." He turns around and leaves. Lucian looks over at me, apologetically, before following. I can hear Alessandra arguing with them, but she never comes into the room.

Tears started flowing out of my eyes as I sob, suddenly feeling nauseous. I jump from the bed and begin to rip the IV out. Blood spills from the wound as I run to the bathroom, emptying my stomach into the toilet. Belmont runs to me, taking me into my arms.

I wanted to be away from him. But knowing he wants nothing to do with me or the baby kills me. At least I can be away from him, I guess.

The next day, the doctor clears me to leave. Belmont drives me to his house, where he leads me inside. I breathe in slowly as I notice a few of the men staring at me. How does Belmont know if they are loyal to him?

I follow behind Belmont as he shows me to my room. It's a large room, with a Queen sized bed and a fireplace. "Thanks Bel." He smiles before saying, "You will also have two guards with you at all times," he signals over two men. "This is Bastian and Clement. They will protect you."

Belmont leans in and whispers, "There is also a pistol in your nightstand incase you need it." He pressed a kiss to my cheek before turning around. I smile at the guards, "Sooo.." Clement gives me a hard look before taking his place near the door.

Bastian smiles back at me, "If you need anything, let me know." I bite my lip as I take in his appearance. He's definitely a sexy man... Damn these hormones. I'm positive he notices me staring at him and his eyes lock on my lips. He closes his eyes for a moment before standing at the other side of the door.

My eyes widen in embarrassment and I slam the door closed, my back against it while my breathing quickens. I can't believe I'm hot on my guard! I grab my phone and begin to text Alessandra, until I realize she probably didn't want to talk. I deleted the text and threw my phone on my bed.

Hm. I can't remember the last time I ate actual food. I hopped off the bed and made my way towards the door. When I swung it open, I started walking down the hall. Clement yelled, "Where are you going, miss?" They followed me, but I didn't reply. A hand grabbed my arm, I turned around to face Clement.

Bastian quickly said, "Clement, Boss will have your head." Clement got in my face, his lips close to my ear as he whispered, "You may be Belmont's sister, but all you are is a hot piece of ass. Don't fuck with me." My eyes squeezed shut as he spit before walking off.

When he was gone, I released my breath and opened my eyes. Bastian came towards me, his eyes almost sad. "Let's go." I furrowed my brows, "Where?" He laughs softly, "You were going to the kitchen right?" I smiled, "How'd you know?"
He snorted, "You're pregnant and I'm guessing you haven't had real food in awhile."

After Bastian made me food, he showed me the cinema room and we watched horror movies all night. I must've fallen asleep there because when I woke in the morning, I was in my room.

I smiled to myself as I jumped up from my bed, heading to the bathroom to shower. Singing, I washed myself in the warm water before rubbing lotion all over my body, taking time on my stomach. I'm only 4 months pregnant, so I should feel my baby kick within a few weeks, hopefully. Staring in the mirror, I appreciate my baby bump, rubbing it soothingly.

A knock on the bathroom door makes me jump, "Yes?" I quickly grab my towel and wrap it around my body before opening the door. Bastian is standing at the door, looking worried. "You were in there for quite some time, chéri." I smile at him, "I'm fine, Bastian. Thank you." His eyes wander down towards my noticeably larger breasts.

I squeeze my knees together and clear my throat, "I need to get dressed now, Bastian. Please return to your post outside my bedroom door." His cheeks redden as he walks away. I close the bathroom door and release a deep breath. What am I going to do?

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