Chapter 23

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Sebastiano's POV
I'm moving a dead body out of the way when I realize something. "Lucian, where's Madeleine?" Lucian stops in his tracks and slowly looks up at me. "I left her in the car. She should be fine, right?"

I drop the body hard and start running towards the door. As soon as I get outside, a large vehicle speeds down the driveway. "Fuck!!" I slap my hands to my face and yell in frustration.

Lucian and Belmont race out of the mansion. Belmont's face twists in fury as he notices the blood trailing towards an empty parking spot. Lucian begins, "Did you get the license plate? I'm sure we'll find her soon."

I stare at Lucian for a second before I start running towards him, "You dumbass! This is all your fault!" Tackling him, I throw a punch at his face but he successfully blocks it. "Seb! I'm sorry." Belmont sneaks up behind me and pulls me off.

"If you keep fighting, we won't find her in time. Let's go." While we're getting into the car, a bloody Darnell startles us. "Sebastiano! Paolo. We made a deal, he gets the baby, I get Madeleine," he spits blood onto the ground. "Clearly, he didn't want to wait. Making this an act of war. I'll email you his whereabouts." I nod my head at him, gratefully, as we drive away.

Madeleine's POV
I'm being held down as I throw my arms and legs around, wailing in pain. I know something is not right and the excessive amount of blood is an indicator. "Please, there is something wrong. You need to get me to a doctor now!" I beg, in between pants.

The large, long-haired man to the left of me grabs me by my cheeks and spits, "You don't have any authority here, cagna." With that he pushes my face and laughs, "Can you believe this, guys?" The driver shakes his head, "You better not harm her, Andrea. Paolo will kill us all if that baby has any problems. I'm driving faster, hold on."

The car speeds up, making me hold onto the seat belt tightly. Within a few minutes, we were pulling up at a colossal building. Andrea threw the door open, pulling me out of the car. He carried me bridal style into the office, yelling for help. Suddenly I'm thrown onto a hospital bed and nurses are surrounding me.

I whimper as I begin to feel woozy, my body becoming numb. I use all of my energy to grab the arm of a nurse, "I don't feel good, please. Help me." My words come out quiet and confusing. She takes my hand in hers, "You'll be okay. We're going to take you into surgery to have your c-section now." I shake my head, making me even more dizzy. "Please, no." I begin to sob.

Last thing I remember before falling unconscious is the nurses running me down the hallway, as I'm screaming for help.

I feel light as I blink my eyes open, moaning as I move around. When my eyes adjust to the lighting I see a Sebastiano rocking our baby girl in the rocking chair. He's looking down at her, whispering in Italian.

"Hey there," I drag out the last word, still dazed from surgery. All of a sudden, the man's head whips up to look at me and I gasp. "Who the hell are you?" I start slamming my hand on the call button, my breathing quickening.

"Calm down, Principessa. Your use to me is no longer. Don't make me have to kill you." He warns frighteningly, still cuddling the small baby. I shake my head, tears threatening to fall. I look around the room, trying to figure out an escape strategy. He must've noticed as he interrupts, "Ah ah ah, I wouldn't think about it if I were you."

A ring blares through the room, making the baby start to fuss. Paolo growls before answering the phone, "What?! Fine. I'll be there in a minute." He stands up and hands the baby to me, "Watch her. I'll be back."

When he exits the hospital room, I look down at my beautiful daughter and I realize I'm crying as tears fall down onto her pink blanket. Peppering kisses onto my baby's face, I sniff in her newborn smell, relaxing me. I need to get us out of here.

Using this alone time with my daughter, I begin to compile a mental list of names suitable. One by one, I speak a name and shake my head, getting rid of the name before I come down to one name. "Oh, my beautiful baby -". Before I can speak her new name, the sliding door slams shut, alerting me of the presence of another.

I look up as steps get closer, "I hate to do this but, it's time I take the child." Furiously, I shake my head, repeating the word no as he slips his arms around my baby, ripping her from my grip. I start screaming, trying to get up as nurses strap me down, giving me more drugs.

I fight them off, ripping the IV out of my arm and throwing the metal pole at them. I take my free hand and unstrap myself. The nurses' faces appear fearful as I nearly growl at them. Seeing one nurse has a needle in hand, I quickly twist her arm around, making her stab herself in the neck. I press down on the syringe, injecting the drug into her system.

The other three nurses back away, whimpering in fear. Looking around for a weapon, I see a stand with a drawer labeled scalpels. With haste, I grab two scalpels, ripping them from their packages. I flip one of the scalpels up a couple times before whipping it through the air. I smile as I watch the nurse drop to the floor, blood spurting out of her neck.

Another nurse runs to the door, screaming for help. Nobody is around. I run as fast as I can, coming up behind her. Grabbing her hair, I pull her head back and slit her throat with one quick move, the blood covering the glass door. I turn on my heels, making eye contact with the last one. She dropped to her hands and knees, tears pouring from her eyes as she begs, "Please, no! Have mercy."

Laughter erupts from my chest, "I begged you. You let my daughter be taken by that cruel man. Now you're going to get it." I pick up the dirty scalpel from the floor but before I could slit her throat, the door opened.

I groan and look over to see who interrupted me. Surprised, I gasp at the sight of my brother, Sebastiano, and their members. Belmont rushed towards me, hugging me. From behind him, Sebastiano ushered the last nurse out of the room and into the arms of one of his members.

"Where's our baby?" Sebastiano looks around, frantically. Pulling away from the hug, I wipe the blood off of my face before replying calmly, "Paolo has her. Paolo has Palatina."

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