Chapter 18

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Four Weeks Later
Poking my head out of the door, I glance at Bastian. He quickly notices me and shoots me a bright smile. "Good morning, Mads." "Bash, we're running late for my appointment!" I head back into my room, throwing clothes around, looking for a cute outfit.

"I have absolutely nothing to wear," I dramatically threw myself onto my bed, crying. Bash sighs as he walks around my room, looking at the pile before he grabs a couple articles of clothing and tosses them towards me.

Holding them up, I realize it's a pair of black jeans, a grey top, and a long, pink coat. I nod approvingly at the choices before beginning to remove my pajamas. As I pull my pants down, Bash exits the room quickly. I roll my eyes and finish getting dressed.

After I'm finished, I grab my purse and phone and leave the room, but not before taking a quick mirror selfie to show off my belly to Alessandra. Bash walks with me side-by-side down the hall, while Clement follows from a distance.

When we reach the hospital, within minutes I'm being led to a room. Clement stays outside the door but Bash stands close to me, making me slightly claustrophobic. That doesn't ruin my excitement though, today I'm finding out the gender of the baby. Neither does the fact that Sebastiano isn't here.

I sent him a text a few weeks ago, inviting the father of my child to this important appointment. Maybe he's just running late, or maybe he meant what he said.

"Hello!" I nearly fell off the bed as Dr. James enters the room with a large smile on his face. Laughing lightly, I greet him, "Hi!" "Madeleine, how are you feeling today?" He sits on his chair and plays with a pen in his hands.

Smiling, I say, "I'm good, Dr. James. Well, most of the time. I'm having more depressive symptoms but not more than normal. Other than that, I'm fine. I'm good." The old man holds my hand, "Understandable, my dear. Are you ready to find out the sex of your baby?"

"Uh," I say, looking at the clock. The door opens, and there I see Sebastiano's face. A smile erupts onto my face. Dr. James notices my expression upon his arrival and smiles at him, "You must be Sebastiano, the father. Welcome. We were just about to get started." Sebastiano nods, "Thank you," and then stares at Bastian's hand on mine. "Who's this?" I shake my hand away from Bash, "He's my guard."

Sebastiano scoffs before standing at the other side of my bed, "Let's just get this over with." I sigh and Dr. James waits for my approval. Quickly nodding, I suck in my breath as Dr. James places the jelly on my stomach. When he rubs the probe on my belly, I stare in amazement at the monitor.

The heartbeat echoes throughout the room and Dr. James shouts out in happiness as he can tell the gender. "Congratulations," he prints the photo and hands it to me. Tears flow down my cheeks as I stare at my little baby.

When the appointment was over, I held onto Bash's hand as he helped me down from the bed. I could feel Sebastiano's eyes piercing into the back of my head but I didn't let it bother me. I turned my head and smiled at him, killing him with kindness.

Speaking to Sebastiano, I asked, "So, how did you like seeing your child?" With a blank stare, he shrugged before walking out the door. He didn't realize I watched as he took the second photo and stuffed it in his pocket.

After exiting the room, we entered the lobby where Lucian, Alessandra and Francesco waited. Alessandra jumped up and ran to me, squealing in excitement. "Sooo?!" As she grew impatient, Sebastiano began, "It's a-". I quickly interrupted, "It's a baby!"

Rolling her eyes, she groaned, "Madeleine," drawing out my name slowly. I shook my head, "Nope. The baby's gender will be revealed eventually." Alessandra groaned again before bending over to rub my stomach. She pressed a kiss to it, softly whispering, talking to the baby. I smiled, hoping she wasn't saying anything nasty.

I said my goodbyes to them, giving hugs to Lucian and Alessandra. Bash took my hand in his as we left and I could see Sebastiano's eye twitch.

When we reached my bedroom, Bash followed me inside. I smiled to myself as I watched him sit his nice bum on my bed. I grabbed some pajamas and began to undress. Bastian stood to leave but I stopped him.

"Bash," he stopped in his tracks as I spoke, "You can stay." I lifted my gaze to meet his, biting my lip softly. He sucked in a breath before sitting back onto the bed. Grinning, I slowly undressed, making sure to give him a show.

I'm only in a set of white lingerie when I leisurely walked towards him. Pushing him fully onto the bed roughly, I straddle him, rubbing myself on his growing crotch.

Leaning down, I kiss his full lips passionately. I moan into his open mouth as I continue to rub myself against his erection. As soon as his shirt is ripped off, Bash rolls me over so he's on top.

I wrap my legs around him as I caress his face, pressing my lips to his generously. His hands reach my bra clasp, and as he's fiddling with the item, the door crashes open. This reveals a furious Belmont, who's on the phone, and Clement smirking behind him.

"You were right, Sebastiano. Thank you. This matter will be dealt with accordingly." He ends the call and pockets his phone. Bash backs away from me, leaving me openly half-naked to my brother.

He grabs his shirt and dresses himself before walking towards my brother with a serious expression on his face. Belmont raises his fist and punches Bastian's face, with an immense amount of power.

I scream, rushing to my feet and standing in front of Bash. "Bel! It was all me, not him!" His nostrils flare as he speaks, "YOU. How dare you sleep with my men, you fucking slut! I can't believe this." He paces around the room.

"And you wonder why Darnell ever laid a hand on you." My mouth hangs open as he leaves the room. Bastian looks at me with sad eyes, apologizing, as he follows.

Clement stares me up and down, licking his lips as he gets closer. "Dear Madeleine, when will I get taste?" His hand caressed my cheek before pulling away. "Not yet. But when I do, your brother won't care. He'll only blame it on his skank of a sister."

He spits at me before exiting the room, slamming the door behind him. I fall to the floor, ashamed and depressed. Without my consent, my mind begins giving me fake ultimatums, making me only think about ending it all.

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