Chapter 15

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The sun shines brightly, blinding me for a second as I step off of the jet. A black SUV is waiting for me, Alessandra is standing in front of it with her bodyguard. She's dressed in a much nicer outfit than me, a fashionable new piece from her collection.

"It feels like it's been forever since we saw each other!" She wraps me in a hug before I could even reach the vehicle and I laugh at her dramatics.

"If I remember correctly, we saw each other three weeks ago on my birthday. And, since then, we've talked on the phone nearly every day, Ale." I point out.

She shushes me and ushers me into the backseat with her. Luca takes the passenger seat while Alessandra's bodyguard drives.

"You're going to love the other models we hired. The collaboration with Benito is going super amazing! I just know you'll love the pieces I chose for you to model. Benito picked out your male counterpart for the shoot, as we're going for a more intimate scene with you two. Benito says he's great," she says with a smile.

"I'm sure it'll be good. I look forward to this shoot. When do we start?"

"Today, you'll meet everyone and then tomorrow will be a fitting day. The first shoot will be a week from now." Alessandra explains.

We arrived at the studio quicker than I expected. Once we walk in the building, followed by our guards, there's a group of models waiting for us. Apparently it's like a meet and greet because there's snacks and drinks being catered around.

A lean man with little muscle approaches us and holds out a hand to shake. I take it and he says, "Hello, you must be Madeleine. I'm the other model during the first shoot, Giovanni." His grin seems nothing but friendly, but Luca thinks differently. I notice a scowl on his face as he eyes our touching hands.

I pull my hand away and return his friendly smile, "Yes, I'm Madeleine. Nice to meet you."

Alessandra seems distracted, looking around the crowd of models. "I have to find Benito, I'll be back." She disappears with her bodyguard.

"Would you like a drink?" Giovanni asks.

"That'd be nice," He motions for a waiter to bring over a tray full of glasses of champagne, "Thanks." I say, taking the glass from the tray.

"So where are you from, Madeleine?" He questions, taking a sip from his glass.

"New York." I reply, "You?"

"I'm from here, Venice." He smiles, showing his white teeth.

"Do you like it here? I've never been anywhere but New York. I want to see some places before I leave." I take a small sip from the sparkling liquid, letting it sizzle down my throat.

"There are many sights to see. Saint Mark's Square, Doge's Palace, Grand Canal, Rialto Bridge, those are just a few." He says smoothly, "Maybe I can show you some of them during your time here."

"I'd like that, thanks!" I say politely.

In the passing weeks, Gio and I got really close. So close that I can tell Luca was getting frustrated, seeing me with someone other than Sebastiano. I don't know if he told him anything, but Sebastiano hasn't said anything to me about it. Giovanni showed me all the sights to see, and we had great chemistry while modeling.

"Hey, did you bring any tampons with you?" Alessandra asks, entering my room in our shared hotel suite. "Aunt Flo just arrived and I packed zilch."

"Yeah, I did, hold on." I open up my toiletry bag and see the unopened box of tampons. A wave of coldness sweeps through me at the realization. Not wanting to worry her, I open the box and hand one to her.

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver." She smiles and leaves the room.

My mind starts to wander and I'm questioning if I could be pregnant or not. I should've got my period the first week of July and now it's the end of July. I haven't been sick though. Deciding to go to the store to get a test, I walk out of the suite and see Luca standing guard.

"I need some things at the pharmacy." He nods and leads the way.

Once we arrive at the store, I urge him to stay in the car and that I won't be long. I run to the feminine section and grab a few tests before checking out.

"See, it wasn't long." I say, getting back into the car. Luca rolls his eyes.

At the hotel, I rush to my own bathroom and pee on all three sticks. I wait the suggested amount of time before peeking at the results. All three say positive. How am I supposed to tell Sebastiano? What if I lose it again? How will we survive that?

Pulling out my phone, I send a text to Sebastiano saying I need to speak to him. Sitting on the bathroom floor, I wait and wait for a reply. But I don't get one.

Getting hungry, I decide to go grab some ice cream to eat from the freezer. While I'm sitting on the couch, my mind is going a million miles a second. Wondering if I'd be a good mother, if Sebastiano will want a baby again..

My phone beeps and I quickly pick it up, hoping it's Sebastiano. But it's not. It's Gio asking if he can come over for a movie night. I reply with a 'yes, bring popcorn'.

A knock at the door thirty minutes later makes me get up from my seat. I open the door and Gio is standing in front of me with a box of microwaveable popcorn and the Divergent movies. My favorites.

Luca looks at me questioningly as I shut the door behind us. I furrow my brows in confusion, but then I understand. I'm going to be alone in a hotel room with a guy. Sebastiano wouldn't be happy. I know it's a friendly, innocent relationship, so I'm not worried though.

I pop the popcorn while Gio sets up the movie. Once we're sitting down on the couch, he pulls a blanket over us and scoots closer to me. I eye him curiously but continue watching the movie.

I begin to notice something is off when he scoots even closer and tries to wrap his arm around me.

"I'm engaged." I push his arm away.

He moves his arm back around me and leans his face in towards mine. His hooded eyes are clouded by lust. His lips press against mine and I'm frozen in shock. Is this really happening? Is he going to force me into something?

The door slams open and Sebastiano is standing in the doorway with anger written all over his face. He marches over to the couch and grips Giovanni by the neck, picking him up. I didn't know he was capable of such strength.

"Sebastiano! Stop! Please, we're just friends. He won't try anything again." I beg.

"I'm not talking to you right now, Madeleine. You didn't deny him what's mine." He growled.

With one swift movement, he threw Giovanni over the couch and pulled out a knife. I stood up and jumped in front of Giovanni.

"Please, don't put his blood on my hands," Sebastiano stops me with a wave of the hand. "Oh please, you got his blood on your hands the moment you were alone with him. You knew I was going to kill him, didn't you, principessa? It excites you."

I shake my head rapidly, "No, please. Punish me, not him." Sebastiano looks like he's fighting himself.

"You're going to want to see this, principessa." He grins. "Luca!" Luca runs in the room. "Hold him down."

Luca holds down Giovanni, while he struggles. Sebastiano pulls down Giovanni's pants and tears fill my eyes. Giovanni still had an erection from earlier, and Sebastiano put his knife to it. Then, with a fast motion, he cuts it off. Giovanni screams and thrashes around violently as Luca tries to contain him. Blood pools on the ground beneath him.

Sebastiano points at the severed penis laying on the ground. "That's for wanting what's mine." He looks at me, "That's for letting him almost take what's mine."

"Oh my god, what happened?" Alessandra's screeches, entering the suite.

"We're going home. Her trip here has ended. Find a new model." Sebastiano sheathes his knife against his calf and grips my arm tightly.

Tears pour down my face as I sob the whole plane ride home. There was no coming back from this

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