Chapter 12

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Madeleine's POV
After a week of sulking in bed, still having abdominal discomfort, I finally got up. Alessandra was coming to visit me. That'll be the only human contact I've had since Sebastiano left after tucking me in. I knew Luca was around, but he never came into my bedroom.

I didn't bother getting dressed. I was in sweatpants and a large t-shirt with my hair in a ponytail, looking real messy.

As I walked down the stairs, I heard a knock at the door. Luca opened it, revealing Alessandra and Francesco. I frown, unaware that Francesco was going to be joining us.

"Madeleine Dubois, is that a ring I see?" I look down at my left hand, a diamond ring sitting on my finger. Sebastiano put it on me when I fell asleep that night.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to be Mrs. Romano soon, but I haven't seen my fiancé in a week." I say with a forced laugh as if it's a joke.

"He's just coping with the miscarriage, like you are," she says softly, defending her older brother. Her and Francesco follow me into the living room where we sit on the couch, Francesco taking the recliner next to us.

"He should be coping by talking to me," I say, through my teeth.

"You know he's not like that. He's probably off killing someone," She laughs, as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

I look over at Francesco for his agreement but he looks doubtful. "So tell me, what is my dear fiancé doing these days?"

Francesco looks at me pitifully. "I'm not sure.. You'll have to ask him."

"Tell me. I know you know where he is and what he's doing. You're his top Captain."

Alessandra looks at her boyfriend, "If you know where Sebastiano is, tell us. Better yet, take us there." With harsh glares, Ale and I stare Francesco down.

After some threats were made, on Alessandra's part, Francesco reluctantly agreed to take us to Sebastiano. When we pull up to a strip club, I start to regret this plan.

"He's in there?" Alessandra asks, obviously feeling regretful too. Francesco nods, slowly.

With a deep breath, I open the car door. Once I enter the building, I look around at all the customers, seeing if I recognize any of them. Suddenly, a bodyguard grabs my arm and says, "Miss, are you in the right place? You don't look dressed for this joint. You're going to have to leave."

As he pulls me towards the door, someone stops him. "Matteo, it's fine. She's with me." Expecting to hear Sebastiano's voice, I'm oddly disappointed.

Lucian's muscular figure enters my view and he puts his hand over the bodyguard's arm, while he's holding mine. With a humph, Matteo lets me go and walks off.

"Now, what are you doing here?" He says with a wide grin, showing off his perfect teeth.

"I want to see Sebastiano." I demand, confidently.

"I'm afraid he's not available." I clench my jaw, about to say some very hateful words when Sebastiano walks out of the back room, fixing his pants. A stripper follows behind him.

Scoffing, I turn to walk out of the club, but not before catching the eye of Sebastiano. Pretending not to notice, I continue walking away.

Once I'm out of the club, I hear footsteps following me. Without looking behind me, I can tell it's Sebastiano by the distance he's at. He's allowing me space. Even though unfaithful, he still tries to be compassionate. I let out a chuckle at the thought.

I reach Francesco's car and get in the backseat, slamming the door shut behind me. As he pulls out of the parking lot, I glance out the window. Sebastiano is standing a few feet away, in the shadows.

As I lay in bed that night, crying myself to sleep, I hear footsteps down the hall before the bedroom door opens. Sebastiano stands in the doorway, unmoving. I sit up and turn the lamp on.

Seeing his face in the light makes my heart shatter, tears stain his tan cheeks and his eyes are tearful. He gets on his knees and sobs. His cries echoing through the room. I've never seen a man break like that. Pulling back the covers from my legs, I get out of the bed and kneel in front of him.

I pull him into a tight hug, letting him cry it out while I struggle to hold back my own tears. Something about this miscarriage really broke him.

We stayed like that for what seemed to be hours. Once his eyes were dry, Sebastiano kissed my lips lightly before whispering in my ear, "I will never hurt you again."

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