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"trust is like an eraser. it gets smaller and smaller with each mistake."

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in which hayden gets partnered with a geek.
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i walked down the hall with all of my friends, ignoring all the gushy stares until we arrived to my class.

finally, i reached it just one minute before the bell.

i walked in a few seconds before the bell echoed through the school, sending the boys running down the school halls, racing to get to there classes.

i chuckled under my breath and walked further into the classroom.

"almost late, summerall."

"i know mam, but i'm not."

"that's a good thing, but unfortunately there's only one seat left, it's not by your friends."

i glanced around the room, still ignoring the gushy stares, only to be interrupted.

"annie, please raise your hand."

the weird girl raised her hand, head still looking down toward her large hard cover book.

in my mind, i winced.

of all people, i have to sit by the known freak of the school.


she's just a quiet, no fun, goody two shoes, who only reads and has one friend, her sister.

her sister...she's probably quiet too.

i rolled my eyes and walked through the pathway of crushing girls and made my way to sit next to this weirdo.

i angrily plopped into my seat and got out the materials needed.

"so this week we will be doing a project. yes, it's the first week of school, but this project is for you and your partner to show your gathered information from the past years."

i sighed in relief.


i'm very much hoping we can pick our own partners, since i don't want to be stuck with another freak like this one.

i raised my hand to see if my...hopefulation..??....was true.

and yes, i just made up a word.

"yes, mr. summerall?"

"will we be able to pick partners."

"no, and thats getting to what i was about to say...the partner list is posted outside my door, check it as you leave."

the lady went on and on with details on this dumb project.

she was interrupted by another echo through the school and a tsunami of teens rushing through the halls of la high.

"check the list!!"

the lady yelled as i exited.

oh yeah, the list, almost forgot.

i ran my finger down the sheet of paper titled 'seventh period partner list'.

i stopped when i found my my name next to the same freak, annie lablank.

or apparently 'leblanc'.

i put my head back and groaned before running ahead trying to catch up with the one and only geek.

why was she walking so damn fast?

no clue.

i finally caught up with her and tapped on her shoulder.

as soon as my hand made contact with her shoulder, she flinched over.


"we're partners."

she nodded and took out her phone and went to the 'add contact' button.

she handed it to me and i put in my number.

i have to get this retarded project over with.

"text me later?"

she nodded before speeding off.

i brushed it off and walked out to my car.

i began to drive down the street and saw annie walking home alone.

unfortunately, she reminded me again, how i'm partnered with the geekiest, weirdest, freakest, nerdiest, goody goody, ever.


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