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"do i take it? or do i break it up?"
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in which a search is conducted.
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i gave hayden a look as he didn't answer my question.


he had a redis pink tinge to his cheeks.

he's embarrassed.

what could possibly be so bad that he won't tell me, and it's embarrassing.

"hayden, if you don't tell me...i'll...i'll....scream!"

i said, a bit angry.

he gave me a look before raking his hair back.

i gave him a warning look.

i warned him i'm about to scream.

after a few seconds of silence and hayley watching us in amazement, i did as i said.

i let out a high pitch, loud as hell, scream.

hayden jumps and he gives me the kind of look that says 'what the hell!?".

hayley laughed very hard, and my mother jolted the car to the left.

without even realizing what was going on, the car crashes.

shrieks escape hayleys mouth and as does my mother.

hayden and i look at each other in fear, totally silent, as if time was in slow motion.

he muttered a quick 'i love you' before timed turned normal and we went flying in all directions.

shattered windshield, shattered windows, broken glass everywhere, head lights off, steam rising.

before i knew it, i was thrown out of the suv.

i was drug across the ground with force.

i could feel the burning of my skin, and i could tell i was bleeding all over.

but i didn't dare open my eyes.

tires screeching on the road, screams of people involved.

i just laid there, lifeless.

when no commotion was heard, i peeled my eyes opened.

blood was scraped across the gravel road.

i sat up, with an aching and pounding head ache.

i slowly reached up to my face.

as soon as my finger tips came in contact with my cheek, it burned incredibly bad.

i jerked my hand away from my face.

i looked at my hand, seeing blood coating the finger tips.

i let out a soft cry.

i looked up to the actual crash, everyone had seat belts on but me.

the shy one//a hannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now