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"never thought i would be the one left behind.."
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in which annie goes on a date.
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i took a deep breath and looked in the mirror.

ever since last night, i've been so nervous around annie, and i think i know why.

i said i love her.

and that moment was one of the scariest of my life.

i've always thought i would never have to use those words.


especially on her.

love is for the weak.

and all along i thought i was strong.

but ever since last night, i now know that i'm the weakest of them all.

i was jolted out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.

"hayden? will you please hurry up? our reservation is at 10:30 and it's 9:30! which means, i have 30 minutes to get ready and then he have to leave!"

"oh..sorry ans."

i quickly opened the door and opened it wider for her to come in.

i took a step out of the bathroom as she stepped in.

"you don't have to get out. im just doing my hair, makeup, and thats pretty much it."

"oh..um uh. yeah ok."

"hay, are you okay? you seem a little off this morning."

"i'm fine. thanks for asking."


i was hoping the nervousness wasn't showing.

i guess it is.

maybe i'm overthinking?

"hayden?... is it because of what you said last night? i mean, it's okay, you didn't have to say it. or even mean it. i understand if you didn't."

"annie. i meant it. i really did. and i'm glad i got it off my chest. i was just...worried. that's all."


"what's to come."


i could tell she was confused with my answer, but i left it alone.

i watched her every move as she did her makeup routine.

as she finished up, she turned to me.

"do i look okay? i feel like its not blended on my left cheek as much as the right. and my lashes are stuck here..and here as well."


she put her focus back on me instead of her face.

the shy one//a hannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now