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"life is just a story, all that matters are the steps that you take."
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this chapter is dedicated to lovelyleblanc
because unfortunately cyberbullying is real and takes place when it absolutely shouldn't.
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in which a bond between two teens grows stronger and unbreakable.
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i got out of the car, still frozen and petrified.

i had ignored hayden's question, but if you had known the answer, you would understand.

hayden shut my door and locked his car before leading me to the doorstep of my house.

i took the key out of my pocket and dropped it in his hand.

he unlocked it and led me inside, shut the door and locked it behind us.

i walked right up the stairs to my room and began to get changed into my pajamas.

hayden walked in and sat on the bed while i was changing.

earlier today, i wouldn't have cared.

i mean, he saw everything and every part of me.

but from what happened just about 30 minutes ago, i felt so incredibly insecure.

i rushed into my closet and shut the door behind me.

i heard a loud sigh from outside the door.

i sighed quietly myself.

i just can't.

i got dressed and walked out of the closet, throwing my previous outfit into the bin.

i looked up to see hayden with no  shirt, and still in the jeans he wore when he first came over.

i sighed amd walked out of the room.

hayden gave me a confused look as i exited.

i walked to the door at the very end of the hallway.

i took a deep breath and opened the door slowly.

and there it was.

my eyes landed on baseball posters plastered on the wall, boy accessories everywhere, etc.

this was caleb's room.

it was left just as it was the day he was last in it.

trying my hardest to blink away the stinging tears, i walked to the dresser.

i pulled open the top right drawer and grabbed a pair of jeans, a shirt, and a pair of basketball shorts.

i took them with me as i walked out of the room and shut it behind me.

i walked back down the hallway to my bedroom door.

before i turned the corner to my room, i wiped the tears away and off my cheeks.

the shy one//a hannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now