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"i just want to be free, live in the breeze."
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in which hayden searches for a calming technique.
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i sat next to annie as she sat frozen, staring into space, on her bed.

we both didn't say a word.

most likely because i had to pick her up from the tub while she was naked, wrap her in a towel, and bring her out here.

this silence was deafening.

it made my heart hurt to know that something has such an effect on her and is making her miserable.

it's time to break the silence.

"what happened?"

i could hear her breath hitch.



i tilted my head.

"it's brennan. he's tooken a toll on me. he's caused me never ending pain and i'm sick of it! i just want it to end! i just want it to be over!"

by now she was fully in tears.

i embraced her in a hug and rubbed her back, trying my best to calm her down.

"hey hey hey, don't cry baby. i lobe you and i will never let anyone hurt you. okay?"

she stopped crying and all that was left were soft sniffles.

"thank you."

"you don't have to thank me."

i kissed her forehead and stood up.

"i'm going to the store. i'm getting snacks, drinks, and other things. i'll be back. i promise, got it?"

"got it.."

she flashed me a slight smile which looked quite fake.

i rushed out the door after giving her one more peck and a quick 'i love you.'

i drove off to the store, ready to get all the supplies i need for this movie night.

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i heard the front door shut and i let out a sigh.

i put on a tank top and shorts and fell back onto my bed.

i stared up at the ceiling, as if something was about to happen.

after a few minutes of pondering, i sat up.

bored, sad, and depressed as ever, i went into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

i went pee and washed my hands.

i stared at myself in the mirror, pointing out all my flaws.

my eyes are plain brown.

the shy one//a hannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now