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"why can't we be the fairytales, and have others dream to be us, instead of the other way around."
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in which annie meets an old friend.

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i could feel annie's tension as i tied the blind fold around her head.

once it was tight enough not to fall off, i led her down the same pathway my dad would bring me as a kid.

only a few people in this town know about it, and i am blessed to have known.

it's beautiful.

you walk down the gravel path and enter a scene that nobody would ever imagine was located in la.

i led annie to the edge of the cliff.

she felt very alarmed, i could feel it.

she probably sensed the edge and her ears were swarmed with the noise of crashing water.

"it's okay baby..."

i whispered softly into her ear.

she immediately melted into my arms and relaxed.

i smirked, knowing i have this type of effect on her.

a wistful smile soon took its place.

why, you may ask?

because i just found out she feels safe and protected with me.

which is exactly what i want.

"wow julianna. moving on so quickly?"

a cold, strict voice came from behind me.

annie tensed up to the point i thought she was having a panick attack.

she froze.

"hay...please tell me this is a joke. this isn't a funny one. please say this isn't real."

she whispered for only me to hear, but unfortunately, this brown haired teen heard as well.

"you know damn well this isn't a joke julianna. i've come back for you. i know you missed me."

she gained the courage eventually, as i was frozen in place with confusion.

she ripped the blind fold off her head and whipped around.

her eyes met with the sight of this random teenager and they filled with fear and terror.

he took a step forward.

after his step, annie rushed incredibly quickly behind me and clutched my shirt like her life depended on it.

she was basically hanging off the edge.

i spoke up, i wanna know what he has done to her to make her so terrified.

"who are you, and why the hell are you here?"

the shy one//a hannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now