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"true love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself."
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in which annie is exposed.
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i awoke from my peaceful sleep.

i take a quick look of my surroundings.

i guess it wasn't a dream, but it was  still amazing.

i rolled over to face annie.

she was still sleeping, and she was beautiful.

though it was weird, when asleep, she looked as if she had nothing to worry about.

but when awake, she looked full of fear.

as if something was following her, and that something is an incident.

she acts as if someone will hurt her at all times.

she did flinch when i touched her.

maybe she was abused?

oh my, who would ever want to hurt such a beautiful girl.

that's terrible.

maybe i'll ask her sometime, i don't wanna push it.

"you look like you're thinking hard about something."

i came back to reality to have my eyes meet with hers.

"maybe i was..."

"you were. what was it about?"

shoot, i can't tell her.

"it's about a girl. she's beautiful, and sweet but bitter as well. i think she's been abused, but i don't wanna ask."

"oh..well i would just ask. be there for her and take care of her. girls like that...."

there was a long silence until she broke it once more.

"..do you like her?"

"um...i don't know. i mean, yeah, but i don't know fully."

"oh..okay..well, i'm going to take a shower to get ready for...oh my god hayden! we're like, mega late!"

i look towards the direction of the alarm clock.



"well, we don't have to go to school. we could stay home and relax."

after a moment she shrugged her shoulders.

"i guess. i'm still gonna take a shower though. feel free to stay if you'd like. you can look around. my family's in australia for a week."


she went into that small room again and left the door open just a little.

the shy one//a hannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now