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"through it all, in the end, all you do is play pretend."
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in which annie is freed but frozen.
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here i was, huddled in the corner, holding myself in a ball.

the restaurant has closed, meaning all power is off.

besides the freezer of course.

there was only one little light in this dungeon, meat filled place.

one small light bulb was in the further left corner from the door, hanging from the ceiling.

it let off an arctic blue light vibe and color.

no suprise, knowing it's negative 5 degrees in here.

a shiver ran down my spine which actually hurt due to the cold.

i looked up at the light once again.

it dangled a few feet above me, swaying a bit because of the cold circulation.

i sighed, seeing a puff of air come out of my mouth.

there's no use.

i've been in here for hours.

and nobody has come to find me, including hayden.

and now that i think about it, he's probably with that devil, they call sheryl.

a small tear began to roll down my face.

before it reached mid- cheek, it froze to my skin.

angrily, i peeled the peice of salty ice off of my face and threw it.

i heard a little tap, meaning it had landed on the floor somewhere close.

the tap echoed, just like everything else did.

i wonder if it's colder over here then over there, in the darkness i mean.

i took a deep breath, it echoed through the cold corridor once again.

"here g- goes nothing."

i tried my best to walk through the freezer.

every inch of my body hurt.

the cold was freezing me.


with a few hitched breaths here and there, i made it away from the light.

i couldn't see in front of me, but if i turned around i could only see the one foot of light beaming from the bulb.

i continued forward, hoping it would get warmer.

then, i of course, suddenly crashed into one of the racks.

it fell forward, luckily not on me.

but little did i know, the one behind me got knocked over as well.

and that one most certainly fell on top of me.

the shy one//a hannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now