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"early bird gets the worm."
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in which she struggles for strength.
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i opened my eyes to a blur of white.

"she's been detected with a severe drug called 'pracine'. it can damage her brain and other organs such as the ovaries, and damage future children, etc.

she also may have experienced side effects such as dizziness, hallucinations, giggly, jumpy, maybe even sexual tension, or she may just be out of her mind."

the doctor explained to hayden, giving him a sincere look.

hayden raked his hands through his hair.

"okay..will she be okay?"

"she should be fine. have you witnessed any of these symptoms? don't be shy, i need to know so i can help her."

"um..okay, yes i have..."

"alright young sir, i need you to tell me which ones, and when they started."

"um..o- okay.

um, this all happened this morning, and i have experienced giggly, jumpy, dizziness, i don't know about hallucinations, but i did see her make a face towards nothing.

she was acting very odd and..."


"i experienced some uh...sexual..tension as well."

hayden turned a light shade of pink.

i'm not on drugs!

and everyone has those moments sometimes!

i was just scrolling through hayden's instagram feed...

okay, no, that was hours before, but still!

and i did not make a face toward nothing.

did he not see the room service come in?

and so what i was dizzy, it's all a coincidence.

the doctor wrote down a couple of things and told hayden he'd be back once results were final.

"annie...what have you gotten yourself into."

he whispered sadly.

"it wasn't drugs. it was pain killer."

i whispered, opening my eyes once more.

he looked up and met my eyes.

"annie, it is drugs and it can effect your future! you could've died if you overdosed!"

he yelled.

"it's not my fault!"

"yes it is annie! you shouldn't have done drugs in the first place! but you did, and now look! you're addicted and you're phsyco!!"

tears stung my eyes.

"if only you knew."

i yanked myself off the bed, making the unknown needles in my arm to come out harshly.


"get back in your bed! now!"

hayden yelled.

he definatly reminded me of brennan.

i went to leave the room.

he grabbed me with both arms and pulled me back.

i tried so hard to fight back, but i was too weak.

i screamed at the top of my lungs.

"get off me you asshole!"

"i'm just trying to protect you! i care!"

"no! get off me!"

i screamed at the top of my lungs, still trying to get out of his grip.

hospital nurses busted into the room, instantly trying to pull us apart.

"stop making a scene annie!"

"stop controlling me!"

"i'm not controlling you, i'm trying to help you!"

he yelled.

"well you're not helping!"

"stop making me look like a fool!"

he yelled at me again as the nurses tried their hardest to keep us apart.

"you're the fool!? no, you stop making me look like a fool! i'm the fool apparently because i'm the one who trusted you with everything! i'm the fool because i'm still falling for you after everything you've put me through!"

i screamed as loud as possible, crying in the process.

"i just want to end it all!"

i screamed louder than before.

i let out a loud cry and a nurse stabbed a neesle into my side and injected me with some kind of fluid.

everything became fuzzy before i blacked out and fell to the cold, tile floor.

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well dang...

check my recent post!

- lenaaaa

the shy one//a hannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now