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"you can't say you don't like it if you've never tried it."
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In which hayden gets a text message from the goody goody.
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i stared at the message that was just sent to my phone by that freak.

'hey, it's annie, when are you coming over? ;)'

it seems very flirtatious and sketchy.

oh well, what can such a weirdo that's weak do to you anyway?

'whenever is fine. now?'

oh my god.


oh well, i'm ready i guess.

i just need her address.

''northwood st. 3498.'

that was quick.

i decided not to respond and just go ahead and head out the door, on my way to her house.

i soon arrived at her door and knocked three times.

not even a minute later, the door swung open, leaving the same annie freak standing in the door way.

she stepped out of the way and gestured me to come in, which i did so.

I admired my surroundings of the modern house filled with family pictures.

some included parents only, others only kids, some all together, etc.

"nice house.."

i put on a small smile as did she and she led me up the stairs to, i'm guessing, her bedroom.


i complimented but also questioned.

she nodded and her smile grew a bit more.

i sat down on the bed with her and she flinched yet again and moved away a little, thinking i wouldn't notice.

whats her problem.

ohhh, she's probably never been talked to by a 'popular kid'.

"are you okay?"

she nodded and put on one finger, signaling me to give her a sec and stay put.

i nodded as she stood up and walked into a small separate room.

with only a few small noises heard, soon enough she came out in a different outfit than her school clothes.

she was wearing a short, also known as a cropped, tee.

she had quite short comfy shorts to go along with that.

her hair was in a pony, suprisingly, due to the fact she only wears a high bun to school with her glasses.

she stood in front of me, waving her hand in my face.

the shy one//a hannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now