•the end•

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thank you guys so so so much for reading and enjoying this book!

your guys' love and support made me so happy and i am so thankful you guys liked it!!

i'm so glad i've went on this journey with you and i am stoked to be announcing a new hannie fanfic!!

i have the plot and title already planned out.

the title will be: late bloomer!

i'm soooo excited to share it with you guys and i hope you guys will like it!

follow me to be notified when my new hannie fanfiction is released which will be soon, i promise!!

i'll try my best to make it even better than this one!

i love you guys so much, and i am kinda sorry this book ended, but i was running out of ideas, and i was so excited for my coming soon fanfic, i just couldn't wait!!

lotsa love coming from me!


the shy one//a hannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now