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"a girl who keeps her head down low and never shows her eyes."
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in which annie gets an unpleasant surprise.
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i heavy breath escaped as i sat in the back of a police car, staring at my chips i had bought minutes ago sitting in the passenger seat.

the officer looked at me through the rear mirror and noticed my gaze.

"here you go, kid."

he tossed me the chips and i slighty smiled.

i popped open the bag and put one in my mouth.

once i had swallowed, i looked up at the man.

"why am i in a cop car? i didn't steal anything."

i sure as heck knew i did, but he didn't know that, and i didn't commit a crime.

i crime had been commited on me, yes, but i didn't do anything.

"well you wouldn't be in this car if you weren't in your home."

"w- what do you mean?"

"listen ms. leblanc, there was a missing report filed on you not too long ago."

i tilted my head.

"that boyfriend of yours is smarter than you think."

"he is not my boyfriend."

i put a very big emphases on the word 'not'.

"and why not, may i ask? he cares alot about you. hell, you should've seen how red he was when he came to the station."

i looked down.

"why'd you do it?"

"do what?"

"leave. just, run away like that. there had to have been a reason."

he explained as he made a left.

"i- i don't know."

i sniffled back tears.

"hey, hey, hey. don't cry.  we're here chipper."


i questioned.

"don't think i can't hear you biting into those chips back there."

he chuckled as i looked down, smiling a bit again.

he got out of the car and opened to door for me, holding my bags in one hand.

he walked beside me into the station.

he led me to a small room and opened the door.

i walked in and sat down at the small table in the corner.

"stay here, chipper."

the shy one//a hannie fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now