01. escaping death

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I am human and didn't have anything out of the ordinary. I'm not special. There's nothing magical about me.

So, when I heard the chant; I felt my blood freeze. Wendigoes were uncommon around these parts, but there have been sightings. I was camping with my sister, Lisa. Lisa held fire welding abilities, but she wasn't by any means powerful.

She could barely light her thumb without the flame flickering. She knew she couldn't go head to head with one. She began to cry and apologizing to me.

"Alex, I'm so sorry. I-"

"We're not going to die, don't start." I said, but even my voice betrayed how I felt. She knew I was trying to be brave for her and she wiped away her tears.

"What the fuck are you two doing here?" A smooth voice sent out, we turned around shocked. The voice sounded like honey, nothing like a wendigo.

"Why are you mortals so fucking reckless?" She cursed, standing fully. She was naked and her brown skin were littered in white markings.

According to my books, she was a hellhound.

"You made my job a whole lot harder." She growled when she heard the chant again, her ears twitching. Her iridescent eyes raked over my figure, her eyes flashing.

"I need you two to trust me," She said, not bothering to glance over in Lisa's direction. Her eyes were trained on mine.

"Anything, we'll do anything." Desperation rolling off Lisa's tongue.  

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