18. a face reveal, i guess

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"Technically," I stated, sitting on top of the dresser. Watching her get ready for today, her iridescent eyes flickering over into mine. "Lisa and I aren't biologically siblings."

She laughed, "I concluded the day I met you, my love, the smells are different."

"We could pass off as siblings," I huffed, "I'm pale enough and both our eyes are similar in shades."

"You have bright hazel eyes, she has warm brown eyes. I guess mortals will just pass that off. But, you're covered in moles and freckles as well." She murmured, "How odd."

"My moles aren't visible with clothing," I said quickly, my cheeks flaming.

"I love your moles, especially the one near your di--"

"Okay! We're not going to talk about my moles. We grew up in the orphanage together."

"No one adopted you both?" She frowned, before yanking the bra off her body. "I hate these contraptions. Life was easier before someone decided we should cover the body." 

Quickly averting my eyes, I continued, "We decided to stay together after Sister Emily started to beat onto Lisa."

Amoura's eyes flashed, swirling and menacing. "Sister Emily is still living?"

I quickly shrugged, "Even if she was, we have no idea where she is."

"I just need a scen--"

"You're not going to kill a nun!"

"Aren't nuns supposed to be kind and something like that?" She murmured, eyes still glazed over.

"Aren't nuns supposed to be kind and something like that?" She murmured, eyes still glazed over

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I went on to tell Amoura everything about the orphanage. Emotions running through us and I sighed deeply.

"I love you." I said, running my fingers across her tanned skin. Eyes downcasted and heart banging against my chest.

"I love you." She brought her fingers to my jaw, bringing my eyes to meet hers. She kissed me softly without breaking eye contact. "And I'll always love you."

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