06. jealousy

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Lisa and Leilani dragged me to a local pub whilst Amoura was out hunting. Amoura hated the pubs and wouldn't come anywhere near one. It messed with her nose and people would always tried to pull her ears on top of her head. She hated the smell of cheap liquor.

Lisa was trying to capture Leilani's attention, but the flower nymph was getting lap dances from drunk college girls. Lisa's brown eyes blazed and sent Leilani a withering glare. Lisa turned her head and grasped my hand. She lead me to the bar and ordered shots of fire whiskey.

She downed three of them, but laid her head down.

Lisa was a lightweight and it didn't help that she ordered the strongest drink a human mage can handle.

A girl with similar markings to Amoura, but in black sat next to me. She smirked when she sniffed the air. Her eyes were something made of phantom black, they seemed bottomless. Her markings stood out on her pale skin and she smelled of booze.

"Well, well, well." She said, her voice sounded sharp like razors and put a bad taste in my mouth. "Why haven't you drunk anything?"

"I don't see how me drinking is any of your concern." I frowned, "Why have you drunk the whole bar?"

"Feisty! I love it!" She cackled, grasping my arm and raised an eyebrow. "You smell of chocolate and cinnamon. Very familiar."

"Please get off me." I tried to pry her fingers off my forearm, but she snuck a kiss on my neck. It burned. My body seemed to reject it.

"D-Don't touch me." I panted, my eyes trying to focus on the counter. The kiss on my neck seemed to burn slowly.


"Get the fuck off him," Amoura's voice bounced in the room. Her eyes flashed dangerously.

The pale woman flinched, her eyes flickering towards Amoura's. Her thin lips pointed downwards and she pressed herself against my back. "You have such a pretty little plaything. Why won't you share?"

Amoura took off her jacket and slowly inched towards us. Like we were prey, she remained eye contact with the woman behind me. My breaths came back when she cocked her head to the right. The white haired beauty regarded the brunette with such disgust and hatred, I almost felt bad for her.

In a second, the heat from my back was removed. She was slammed on the table. The bartender screeched, her blue eyes widened. The brunette was twitching, still alive, but looked terrible. The back of her head made a dent from the table.

Her iridescent eyes flickered between stark white and back again. She tried to control her breathing and looked into my eyes.

"Let's get out of here, shall we?" She murmured as she frowned.

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