20. dreaming of stars, where do we go from here?

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This time dreaming comes in waves of images. As if I'm looking through vivid photographs. Hellhounds and angels coexisting, living under tension. I can almost hear the sweet sounds of the voices of the angels and hear the howls of the hounds.

The angels are so beautiful, so easy to fall into and with eyes that could rival art---its easy to see how the hounds fell in love with such cruel beings.

I see Amoura, but it seems like a different woman. This Amoura wore a pixie cut, her iridescent eyes were decorated in white eyeliner and gold wrapped skin.

But, she felt different too. Closed off and precise. Her eyes felt like it could pierce through cement and her smile didn't feel warm. This wasn't my Amoura. This wasn't the woman I fell in love with. She feels different.

The next image was Amoura standing over an angel, the face blurred, but I could hear the screams. The screams of pain and anguish. Of betrayal and of heartache. I could hear the hellhounds howl, their hearts breaking as they fight this war.

I woke up with my heart pounding in my throat, my skin glistened with sweat. Amoura was by my side in an instant, her eyes widening. She was wiping the sweat off my face and kissing my forehead. "Hey, hey. It's okay, you're okay."

"I-I saw you. In heaven. I heard you...howl? You were in pain. I felt your pain."

Her eyebrows scrunched together and she tilted her head back. "This has never happened before with any mate."

"Amoura, did you hear me? I felt your heart break!" I frown, my eyes searching her iridescent ones.

"I did hear you, my love." She whispers quietly, looking away from my eyes. She looks down at her white painted toes, "I haven't talked about home since I was casted out. I don't know what you want me to say."

"How are you so calm? You were a whole different person! You were fierce and sca--" Before I finish my sentence, I felt it. I felt her ball into herself. Shutting me out.

I felt the door.

"Scary?" She whispers, blankly.

I can see the door.

"Do you see me as a monster too?" She says, her ears flatten against her long white locks.

"How could I?"

I open the door and that's when everything stills. Her markings glow brighter against her caramel skin and they dance. They dance gracefully and travel throughout her body, never stopping. I watch as gold markings appear onto my skin. My slightly pink skin comes alive and for awhile we are quiet.

Tears fill her eyes and even her tears look like crystals. They fall quickly like a river stream. She gasps for air and this time I am the one to comfort her. To hold her close into me. To breathe in her cinnamon scented hair and whisper sweet nothings into her ears.

And I had officially became hers, so where does this take us now?

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