14. changes

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"YOU SMELL DIFFERENTLY," A voice behind me rings, confused iridescent eyes watch me carefully. "You smell... magical."

"Magical? Does that mean you want to see some tricks I have up my sleeve?" I tease, watching emotions flicker in her colorful orbs.

"You smell like home," She whispers quietly, "like stardust."

"Ah," I say, words leaving me entirely. "What does that even mean?"

"Come with me, baby. I need to check something." She says, wrapping me in her flannel. She pulls me closer and her nose brushes against my throat. "I haven't smelled that in years."

"Do I stink?" I whisper, not wanting to speak too loud in case she moves away.

"You smell heavenly," She whispers back and kisses the base of my throat. "I wonder why though, why the sudden change of scent? That has never happened before in my other mates."

"You've had other mates?" I push back, only slightly to look up into her face. She has five inches above my frame and she brushes my curls back.

"Only seven," She says, shrugging, "I am seven hundred years old."

"One for every century?" My eyebrows shoot up, "That must have been lonely."

"When I'm with you it doesn't bother me as much." She kisses my lips fully.

"I'm in love with you, but I don't know much about you." I mutter quietly, but she catches it. With a smile as sweet and bright, she pulls me into her and sighs into my neck again.

"Well, what do you want to know?"

I wanted to chose my words carefully, "Can you tell me about your past? Maybe how it was like, in the stars, if you want."

Her iridescent eyes bored into mine, pressing myself closer to her. "Let me tell you about it, then."

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