04. full moons and heat

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Leilani invited us over often, even when Amoura was out. We came over every time. Lisa just wanted to see Leilani, but I came with to catch a glimpse of the beautiful hellhound. She has been in my head for weeks straight now.

Leilani grinned and kissed Lisa on her lips. Lisa flushed under her touch and whimpered when the petal covered woman let go. I rolled my eyes and went down the hall.

Amoura was standing in the mirror, her eyes flashed darker when she saw me. She gripped onto her dresser and growled out. "Why are you here?"

I was taken aback, but something urged me to come closer. I came closer to her, wanting to run my fingers through her hair. But, before I could touch her; I was laying on my back.

"You shouldn't have came here." She whispered into my skin, "At least not around this time."

I gasped when she licked my earlobe and bit down.

"You're now mine." She growled into my ear. My heart began hammering in my chest and I heard the door open.

"Get out," She growled, grinding herself against my arousal. I whimpered when she pulled back. There was need in my voice that shocked even me.

"S-S-Sorry." I heard my sister squeak and shut the door quickly.

Amoura said nothing else and bit into my neck. Pleasure and pain surged throughout my body. She licked the blood that pricked from the bite. She peppered kisses all over my body. I groaned at the feeling of her ripping my shirt of my body.

"You're so fucking beautiful," She said softly, flicking her tongue around my nipple. I bucked my hips onto hers and she chuckled. "How impatient, let me help you feel better."

She pulled my sweatpants off and chucked them somewhere across the room. She pulled my boxers and kissed my inner thigh. I panted as she laid soft kisses around my balls and thighs.

Then she swirled her tongue around my tip and massaged my balls. I let out a moan and her ears twitched. She let go of my tip with a popping sound, "Tell me how bad you need me."

"Fuck," I whimpered, "Please.. Amoura, I need you bad. I-I need to be in you, someway." The desperation in my voice made her eyes darken. Her usually iridescent eyes were stark white. Her canines glittered in the pale moonlight and she looked nothing less than heavenly.

She smirked and obeyed. She no longer teased me and I was deep in her throat. She bobbed her head and hummed. The vibrations of her throat pushed me over the edge. I began to buck my hips into her mouth and grip her hair tightly.

"Gods! Amoura, I-I'm gonna-" I threw my head back and felt my eyes roll back. I felt my toes curl and I came into her mouth. She pinched my thigh, and I opened my eyes quickly.

She swallowed and licked her full lips.

"Baby boy, I hope you can last all night."

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