02. out of infestation

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She nodded and got down in all fours. There wasn't any popping noises and not any screams of pain.

She wasn't a wolf, but instead she was something bigger. She leaned her head down, allowing us to get on. I shoved Lisa onto her back, Lisa gasping and telling her how soft her white fur was. The hellhound made a scoff, but didn't buck her off. She kept her head down, allowing me to get on. I couldn't help it, but I scratched her behind her fluffy ears.

She let out a soft vibration, she turned her head to let me know to grab onto her. We heard the chant again, but it was nearer. It sounded like it was challenging her, in which she let out a fierce growl. The growl made my hairs stand up on its ends. It was a growl of dark promise.

"A-Alex." Lisa gripped onto the hellhound's fur tightly, signaling her to start to run.

Peering back, I could see why she stammered my name. I gripped tightly onto the soft white fur with fear. Not even five feet away, a humanoid creature smiled and waved a clawed hand. The humanoid, or wendigo, started to dash toward us.

That's when the hellhound shot forward, everything moving so fast. My heart began to thump in my chest. I shut my eyes and felt the wind speed up. When I felt everything stop, we were in a different city. Letting go of her fur, I looked up. The air felt more fresh and the stars were a lot brighter.

We climbed off her and she shifted back to her human form, standing perfectly still. I shrugged off my jacket, offering it to her naked form.

She raised dark eyebrow, her body looked like it was sculpted for the gods. Her tiny waist was supported with wide hips. Her breasts stood perky and dusty rose nipples were pierced. There were white curls on her sex and toned legs. She accepted the jacket and flicked her eyes to Lisa.

She winked at her and Lisa flushed, looking down at her feet.

"Do you two want to explain why you decided to camp out in an infested area?"

"I swear that I didn't know! I mean, I thought that they were extinct!" Lisa tried to defend herself, but her eyes were always drifting lower.

"They are endangered, not extinct. Not yet anyways." She said, "Please keep out of the woods."

We nodded and she flicked her bangs out of her iridescent eyes. "I should let you stay the night. I never had humans over though."

She seemed to be talking to herself, walking towards the house that seemed to made from flowers.

"Aren't you two coming?" She turned her head back.

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