12. lovely

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outside the campground. A familiar sound that brought fear into my throat.

"Don't worry," Amoura murmured, her eyes looking for someone I had no idea of. "Aha."

She let out a low whistle and immediately a woman with caramel skin walked over. Lisa jogged over to us, her eyes wide. "Is that a wendigo?"

"Yes, don't worry. You'll be safe within these campgrounds. Do not, for any reason, leave these grounds. There are symbols inside of my cabin, do not erase them. They will keep you protected." Amoura's voice was stern.

It was the wrong moment to start swooning as she was instructung, but her iridescent eyes were swirling with colors. Her voice which was usually dripping with honey, was strict and commanding. Just like her in bed voice was.

She shook her head at me and placed a chaste kiss on my forehead. "Please stay inside, King will be with you two just in case."

"Why aren't you going?" Lisa asked, her hand wrapping around the other female's arm. "Not that I'm complaining."

I snickered, pressing my hand into Amoura's.

"Fire is the only way to kill wendigos," King said, "I'm a water elemental hellhound."

"Ah, good for me." Lisa's eyes widened, "N-Not saying that like you aren't strong enough to injure them, I just wanted to spend more time with you. If you want to, that is!"

"Oh my god, she's broken." I murmured.

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