17. just talk to each other already

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KING FROWNED into the fire, Lisa silently biting her lips staring at the side of her face.

"What happened to them?" I asked Amoura, bumping my shoulder against hers. "They're acting weird."

"Miscommunication." Amoura said softly, glancing away from the pair.

"You got that from just looking at them?" I smiled, watching her ears flatten against her head.

"Lisa's facing her, but with bitten lips. A sign of anxiety. King isn't looking at her, meaning she's either highly embarrassed or in heat." Amoura stretched her arms and let out a sigh, "but, super hearing helps a lot."

She turned her head and gave me a lopsided smile. A smile she only shows to me with her eyes matching. Twinkling. Sparkling.

I flushed and looked away, smiling.

"Alex? Can I talk to you?" Lisa stood abruptly, combing her fingers through her long blue hair.

"Sure, yeah." I stood and Amoura offered a gentle smile before plopping next to King.

Lisa grabbed my arm and let out a huff.

"I think King is ready to mate." She said, her eyes peering into my own.

"What's stopping you? Isn't this what you want?"

Lisa bit her lips for the umpteenth time this night, "I do! But, I think I read her wrong and thought she was hungry."

"What?" I laughed, "How did you mix hunger and sex?"

"I don't know! What do I do?!" She screeched, pinching my arm.

I frowned and sneaked a pull of her hair before spinning away. "I don't know, have you tried talking to her?"

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