11. through lisa

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Amoura walked over to Alex, her tanned hands tracing his neck. Her eyes changing to stark white and heat rushing to his cheeks. Flushing, I forced my eyes to look elsewhere.

Around the camp there were all type of magic kin, laughing and eating around the fire. I almost felt out of place, my eyes searching the entire site.

There were plenty of cabins, surrounded by tall pine trees that seemed to reach for the sky. The grass was lush and green. Behind the cabins, there was a vast blue lake. Further down, moutains with snowy peaks stood tall.

A slight tap on my shoulder made me jolt up. "I saw you come in with Amoura and her mate. I'm King."

The woman who spoke was breathtaking. She had caramel skin and gold markings similar to Amoura. Her eyes matched her markings.

"Uh! Yeah, I did. Come in with Amoura. You guys have similar markings, are you a hellhound too? Oh! I'm not sterotyping, am I? Like maybe you two got tattoos together and-"

She laughed and it sounded lovely. It was a type of laugh that made her close her eyes. I let out a nervous chuckle, running my palms along my jeans.

"Hellhounds have markings along our bodies, it's not stereotypical at all."

"Well, they are very beautiful. The markings," I swallowed, "They suit you very well."

"Thank you, what's your name?"

"Lissette, but I go by Lisa. Or Lissy, most of the time by brat. That's what my ex called me? I don't even think we even dated."

"Leilani? I heard most of the arguments."

"Gods! I'm so sorry, I'm not usually that angry! It's just," Another nervous laugh escaped me. I casted my eyes down and rubbed my hands along my jeans.

"Hey, hey! It's okay, I swear. Leilani is a great person, just not in relationships. I understand completely." She smiled. When she smiled, it wasn't a smirk like Leilani's was when she talked to me. It was genuine. Like, I actually made her smile.

"Yeah," I gave a small shrug, "Maybe, it was too fast anyways."

"Don't worry. You'll find someone who'll cherish you, Lis." She said, slowly backing away with a playful smile. "Maybe, someone like me."

She gave a small wave and turned away.

Oh shit, my heart feels like it's going to explode in my chest.

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