05. markings

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Waking up was harder to do when your body has bruises and bites along your body. Amoura kissed my lips and brought ointment to place of my body.

She kissed every bite mark on my body and soothed it with the cool cream.

"Good morning," She said softly, her voice sounded like honey dripped from the words. "Sleep well?"

I opened my mouth to let out a retort, but the door opened suddenly. Leilani's wide eyes watched us joyfully and pushed in a cart.

"What's this?" Amoura said, her eyes flickering to Leilani. I quickly grabbed a blanket to cover my body, which made Leilani giggle.

"A feast! Lisa, my love, bring the drinks! We must celebrate the mating."

"You brought him over on purpose, didn't you?"

"You were in heat and darling my body couldn't handle it this time." Leilani giggled, brushing Amoura's hair back from her eyes. Amoura's cheeks flushed and she looked down at my face.

"I do tend to get a bit rough," She said, massaging my thigh through the thick layer.  I tried to push her hand away, I could feel the blood rush to my dick again. She smirked and licked her lips. Her eyes flashing dangerously.

Leilani laughed, "She's insatiable. A little nympho."

Amoura scoffed and leaned down to capture my lips. She kissed me gently and leaned back.

"You should eat," She said, getting off the bed to get a comb. "You're going to need the energy."

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