13. taunts

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"What are wendigoes?" Lisa asked after awhile, "Why do they oppose such a threat even to magic folk?"

The woman's eyes roamed the room, looking at the symbols on the walls. "Well, they were ordinary humans at first. They have always been around, but lately they have been killing our kinds faster than ever."

"Humans?" I ask, watching Lisa's electric blue hair slowly inch closer to the woman's broad shoulders. Her brown eyes still gleaming, but mischief danced in her orbs. I lifted a brow and she gave me a small shrug.

"Mhm, wendigoes were just like you and I. But, when faced in cruel winters and the only means of survival--they began to eat humans as a last resort."

"Oh, ew." Lisa muttered. "Would you eat me, King?"

"Not literally," King smirked down at Lisa and I choked.


It was midnight when I heard Amoura's voice outside the living room door.

"Hey, come outside." I went to grab the door handle when King grabbed me by the back of my shirt. She shook her head, wiping her kohl lined eyes. Lisa's pale hand pulled my down to sit next to her on the couch.

"Why won't you open the fucking door, Alex?" The wendigo taunted in her voice, guttural, fear pricking my  veins.

"Leave." King's voice was strong. I wonder if all hellhounds could make their voices have no room for argument.

The voice outside the door shifted to Lisa's, sweet and nurturing, "King! Please I'm scared, help me."

"Ha!" Lisa taunted back, "Everyone knows if I was truly scared I would be stuttering. Amoura is gonna kick your ugly ass."

King let out a snort, trying to cover her mouth, but to no avail. The wendigo began to scream and Lisa opened the curtain to watch it. But, as the wendigo made the mistake of screaming there was a blur of white.
Iridescent flames licked the large hellhounds feet and as she opened her mouth flames shot at the wendigo. The wendigo screamed and it seemed to concave into itself.

Amoura transformed back into her naked form. Lisa quickly looked away, "Jesus, give us some warning next time."

Amoura laughed as she opened the door. She walked over to where I was and pulled into a kiss. Her lips were still hot, I hissed from contact.

"You almost opened the door, I could feel it." She said, closing her eyes for a moment. "I knew you needed watching. The wendigos in this area is now extinct." The last part was towards King.

Nodding, "Well, I'll be in my room."

"Uh, me too." Lisa jumped up, grabbing onto King's hand.

Amoura snorted at the lack of filter, "I like this Lisa better than the old shy one."

"What can I say? King makes me brave." The girl winked and intertwined her fingers with the other woman.

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