03. flower petals

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My jacket barely covered her plump ass and I tried to keep my eyes toward the ceiling.

The house smelled like a florist shop. Another woman crashed the white haired woman in a hug.  There were flowers decorating her vibrant pink hair and body.

"Amoura-ra-ra!" She sang out and frowned. "Why are you wearing clothes?"

"We have humans over." The woman, or Amoura, hummed. She leaned down and kissed the girl on the lips. The kiss didn't seem to hold any romantic feelings, it seemed more as a greeting. Lisa watched with curious eyes.

That's when the pinkette turned gracefully, her eyes taking us in. Looking at her again, she was decorated in flowers. She didn't wear clothes nor shoes. She bounced when she walked. She stood in front of us and offered a hand.

"Leilani," the woman said, "that's my name."

Amoura entered the room again, wearing an oversized flannel that wasn't buttoned. Her chocolate brown skin made the white markings stand out harder. Leilani cleared her throat, making my cheeks flush.

"His name is Alexander. Alex. Uh, my name is Lisa. Well Lissette. But, you can call me whatever you like." Lisa rambled, swooning at Leilani. Leilani smiled, her round hetero chromatic eyes boring into Lisa's brown ones.

A snort was heard from the woman who saved us. She was watching us carefully.

"Thank you," Lisa bowed and I followed not a moment after. "You saved us."

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