19. nsfw.

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She kisses me fully on my lips, grinding me against the bed. I moan out, the friction is what I needed as the plug sends out strong vibrations. "A-Amoura."

She grins against my lips, "Don't beg baby, it'll be longer."

I bit onto my lip as she sucks onto my neck. She stopped grinding against my cock and whines soon escape my mouth.

"P-P-Please, I'll be good. I swear to you that I'll be good."

She smacks her lips, "Baby, what did I say? Now you have to be punished."

She leans away, keeping eye contact. Her stark white eyes look sharp. She quickly takes my hands and tie them together. Smirking, blowing air into my ear.

She gets off the bed and strips slowly. My eyes widen, no matter how many times I see her naked---she takes my breath away. She turns up the vibrator once more and I start to gasp out. I thrust my hips up, not touching anything, but a natural reaction. She giggles and leave love bites on my neck. She lightly touches my dick and I whine out loud. My thighs began to grow tighter and my lower abdomen warns her of what's about to come.

She squeezes my dick, denying my ejaculation.

"Nuh uh uh, baby. Not yet." She giggles again against my skin. The vibrations are starting to overstimulate my prostate and I can no longer form words.

She grins, her eyes lowering to mine and slowly slips me inside her. Her wet, hot walls clamp onto me. My hips are starting to twitch upwards and she lets out a squeak. "H-hold on." She manages to say, but I can't control them. My hips twitch harder into her pussy and she slowly begins to ride me. I groan out and pant, watch her eyes meet mine.

She smirks and rolls her hips, tightening her pussy. She bounces and her palms are against my chest. Bouncing faster, harder, her thighs began to twitch. Her moans are rising in volume.

"Baby, cum inside me." She says, her stark white eyes boring into mine and thats what starts my need to cum again. She gasps again as I start twitching my hips upward and she starts to shake. Waves of electricity are shared between us. I grunt as I cum inside her and she shakes on top of me uncontrollably.

She flicks off the vibrator and I can breathe again.

"Round two?" She giggles and my head hit the pillow.

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