09. sunshine laughs

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I COULD ALREADY feel my heart ramming in my chest from the request Amoura asked.

"Do you think you could come with me to my hunting grounds?" She asked, her iridescent eyes watching Lisa's form; but, the words were directed to me.

"Leilani is coming with me though, so maybe that's not a good idea." She frowned. "Perhaps it would be best to stay with her."

Lisa's brown eyes were boring into Amoura's, but Amoura didn't look away. It was almost a curious look from Amoura's part, as if she hadn't talked to Lisa for months now.

"She smells different," Amoura murmuerd, almost to herself. Turning to me, "Would you tell me if you are interested? You and Lisa would be safe, there would be other hellhounds and mages around."

"Do you want me to be there?" I asked, touching her knuckles with my thumb.

"I always want you around me, honey." She kissed my cheek and pushed my curly hair out of my eyes. "But--"

"I'll go too!" Lisa suddenly shouted, "Leilani and I might not ever be together, but maybe I'll find a hellhound there who can fuck my brains out."

Amoura let out a loud laugh, her eyes turning into crescents. The laugh was warm and the loudest I've heard her laugh.

"Well, then it's settled. Pack your things for a month stay." She said, amusement shining in her iridescent orbs.

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