08. questions

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LISA tries her best to ignore Leilani, by spending her time with me. She doesn't answer her calls or go to the house anymore.

"Ignoring your problems aren't going to solve anything, you know that." I sighed as she watches me from the bed. "And please stop looking at me like you're jealous."

"I am! How come the one you love actually cares for your well-being? Amoura would rip anyone's head off for simply looking at you for too long."

"Amoura is also a very protective hellhound, not a sex pixie with flowers covering her lady parts."

"Did you just say lady parts? As many times as you have had sex, you can't say vagina?" She scoffs, running her hand through her hair.

"Shut up," I flushed, "It's not my fault Amoura goes into heat. That's beside the point! Go talk to her."

Lisa sighed, her big brown eyes staring at her phone. "I messed up, Alex. I like her way more than she likes me."

"Lisa," I begun, but the way her head drops into her hands--the words don't come out. She frowns and her lips tremble.

"Why should I always be there, I always put in effort, for her not to care? Why did she have to toy with my feelings if she was going to kiss other girls?"

I bring her tissues and rub her back slightly. "It's not your fault that your heart is bigger than your brain."

She snorted, "Was that supposed to be a compliment? Have you been hanging around Amoura too often?"

"Possibly," I laugh, "she isn't the best with tears."

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