10. tension

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THERE WERE LOTS of times where Amoura sighed through her nose and she would silence the two bickering.

But, then it would start again.

"You leave me every fuckin' time," Lisa suddenly screamed, "you don't get to be with me when it fucking suits you."

"Are you seriously still on the pub thing?" Leilani scoffed, her eyes narrowing at Lisa. "We aren't together, you just assumed we were dating."

"Stop fucking brushing it off! These are my feelings, stop invalidating them! If you don't want to be with me then, say it!"

Amoura suddenly turned around and bared her fangs at Leilani. She must have smelled her tears before I could register what happened.

"Leilani please go ahead to the rest of the pack. If you can't take things with her seriously, then leave her alone." She wiped Lisa's tears, before shifting onto her hellhound form. She lowered her head for Lisa and I to climb onto.

"Thank you. Sorry for yelling, I know your ears are sensitive." Lisa whispered, grabbing her soft white fur. Amoura let out a rumble and it was safe to assume that she rolled her eyes.


The ride to camp was filled with stories of our childhood and listening to Amoura rumble with laughter.

"Do you, oh god, remember when you stuck gum on Sister Laura's hair?" I laughed, looking up at the sky. "She was so angry with you, I thought your butt was going to be blistered."

"She so deserved it, she was being too harsh on Flare for setting fire to the chapel. It's not her fault that she sneezed out fire, she's a fucking dragon."

I laughed and looked over at her. I saw the glimmer in her eyes again.


When my feet touched the ground, I saw Amoura wrap her arm around Lisa's neck. She was talking to her softly, her eyes boring into my sister's.

I rubbed my hands on my jeans and my eyes wandered over to the rest of the magic folk. There were mages, hounds, and some dragons.

Leilani was talking to a girl with oddly familiar fire red hair. The girl was holding a little boy's hand. Leilani's eyes were on mine, she gave a sad little smile. She bowed her head slightly, then disappeared into the crowd.

I think she apologized, in her own little way.

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