16. bubbles

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WHEN SHE OPENS HER EYES AGAIN, my breath is caught in my throat. Her eyes look like bubbles being blown in the summer breeze. Bright. Reminiscent.

Tears well in my eyes and before I can stop them; they fall quickly and quietly.

"Your eyes are like rivers," She leans in and kisses my forehead. "You humans continue to baffle me."

"What?" I say, but the tears won't stop. When I think of how lonely she must have felt and how hurt she must have been. It hurts me, deeply, strangely.

"You're crying over something that has happened centuries ago." She continues to kiss my face, softly, carefully.

"You were hurt, that hurts me." I try to stop the tears, but it's like a dam has been broken.

"My love," She whispers quietly, "I'm okay. I'm here with you."

"But, I smell like what reminds you of--"

I'm silenced by kisses that send electric signals into my body. I gasp when she leaves soft bites into my neck.

"You smell more of stardust, more like my own type of home."

And then there isn't anymore insecurities. There is sweet nothings whispered into my skin and mind melting kisses.

She turns towards me with stark white eyes and slowly unbuttons my flannel shirt. She kisses the base of my throat and massages my skin. "Can we try something, baby?"

But, her voice is huskier and sends delightful shivers down my spine. "W-What is it?"

I try to catch my breath, but her tongue flicks over my nipple. "Will you be okay with toys?"

"Toys? God yes. Please." My eyes roll back as she palms me and my breath starts to fall again.

She begins to unbuckle my pants and takes them off delicately. Slowly. Always asking me if I'm okay, that we can stop whenever.

I shake my head and lean in for another kiss. The kiss brings out a needy moan; or maybe she brings out the needier side I didn't know I had. She tells me quietly, sweetly, to turn over.

Laying on my stomach, she gets up to leave from the bed. I whine, wanting her to touch me, but she's back before I can release another whine. Kissing my back, chuckling against my skin.

Something cold and wet hits my ass. I hiss, but then she rubs my asshole in small circles. Moaning, I grip the sheets and she makes me sees stars.

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