07. baby boy

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She calls me baby boy in a voice that makes my body stir. She grabs my hips and presses against her clothed sex. My cheeks flush and my heart begin to beat in my chest. Amoura's eyes search every inch of my face and leaves open mouthed kisses on my neck.

"Do you know why I'm angry with you as well?" She says, pulling away from me. I shook my head, not trusting my voice.

"Because you went to that stupid mage pub." She says against my skin, "You should be punished."

"I didn't want to, I-"

She pulls back to look into my eyes, she cocks her head slowly. "Were you forced against your will?"

"Well, no." My throat seemed to grow dry, too quickly.

"I didn't think so. You realize that you're human?" She pulls off my sweater, eyes searching for any sort of mark. "You smell like her."

Her iridescent eyes change to stark white and her lips are set in a deep frown. I lean forward to kiss her lips, "Can you change that?"

A growl emits from her throat, "Of fucking course."

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