Chapter 22

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I exhailed a long breath, I've been holding it in since the second I entered the school building. The interview was over, yet I still felt like there was a huge pressure on me. Now I had to wait a few days to see if I got accepted. I really needed to get into a good college and this was my chance. I pushed open the heavy front door and exited the college building. It was June, the air was thick and heavy and it was hard enough to catch your breath even without being this nervous.

I was still going over everything I said in my head. Did I answer everything correctly? Will they think I'm good enough? I decided to shake away the thoughts and call my friends to tell them how it went, since they were all very curious and had wished me luck. The first thing I noticed when I pulled out my phone was I had quite a few missing calls. I scrolled over them. They were all from Jenna. She of all people should know I had an interview, why was she calling me now?

I sighed exhaustedly, dialing her number and waiting for an answer. As if she already had the phone in her hand, she picked up almost immediately.

"Hi" I tried to sound as up beat as possible, but I was really worn out from spending two hours in an office.

"Hey" Jenna sounded pretty exited to hear me "Sorry for calling, I almost forgot you were going to be busy"

"No problem" I mumbled. I turned on my heel to slowly begin my walk home. I sighed "So, what's up?"

"Oh right" she paused for a few seconds, remembering what she wanted to say. She squeeled exitedly "Michael and I worked things out!"

For a moment, I stood confused. My mind was pretty absent, so there was a chance I heard wrong.

"After you went home from the cafe, after the thing with Mony" she started to explain, since I wasn't reacting to what she just told me "Michael and I were forced to talk and we even made up"

I lit up "That's great Jen" I exclaimed "What convinced you to stop being so stubborn?"

"Well I realised we were just wasting our time on silly arguments" Jen said in a mocking tone, quoting mine and Julies words and claiming them as her own, purposely.

I murmured something under my breath and she started laughing hysterically at how annoyed I was.

"Oh by the way" Jen breathed her words, still trying to catch her breath "Did Sam tell you she's moving in with Cal?"

That was deffinetely news to me. No one told me anything. A grin escaped my lips. I was really happy for those two.

I didn't get to say anything before Jenna spoke up again, now already calmed down "I'm going to go see their apartment, come with me?"

I shrugged "Well we should all go. Maybe after we check it out we can actually do something together without being interrupted by Miss Leaveoryourheadhitsthewall"

Jenna started to laugh again and this time, so did I.

"Okay, I'll see what the others think" she said through a chuckle "Bye"

"Alright, see ya" I grinned and hung up, placing the phone back into my purse and humming as I walked back to my apartment, now in a better mood.

However, the second I entered mine and Lukes flat, I slammed the door to close it and practially fell over the couch where he was already sitting. I had just walked home, it was passed noon and the and the sun was at its peak, which really did not help my headache. My head was pounding and I started to feel a huge amount of pain through my entire skull. Right now I just wanted to fall asleep so it would all go away.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked softly, lying down behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

I closed my eyes, thinking it might help to rest for a while "My head hurts" I croaked.

He hugged me tighter. I felt his breathing got heavier, he was probably starting to get angry.

"Will you please listen to me and go see a doctor just in case?" he crooned "It's probably nothing serious, still I do-"

He started mumbling about how I shouldn't worry about the hair pulling, but I did slip up and hit the wall with all my weight and there could be internal damage and how he didn't want anything to happen to me. His words were all over the place and it was so cute how he couldn't figure out exactly what to say. I let him go on for a while. I could fall asleep like that, in Luk'es arms, listening to him talk.



i got a contest idea! i think it could be fun for you guys! the winner will get a shoutout for them and their book on my profile and message board! before i explain the rules, i wanna dedicate this chapter to @LiaraPaynella because she always votes and comments and i love her for that <33

now, starting with the next chapter, i'll be putting up questions about How to fall in love and Endlessly in a/n, the first person to get 3 questions right wins! i hope you guys enter, it could be fun! watch out for more updates! <3

love you xx

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