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 ~ (y/n) point of view~  As I hear the words "I do" come from Ethan I start to repeat what Grayson told me before the wedding *flashback/ hears knock on door* "who is it?" I asked "its Grayson" he said I open the door "oh, hey, um what do you want?" I asked nicely "can I talk to you for a min?" He asked "umm..sure" I said stepping out in my wedding dress "lets talk outside, I don't want Ethan to look at me, its bad luck." I said and we both went outside "so what's up?" I said "Ethan has been cheating on you" Grayson blurted out "w-what h-how do you know?" I asked as tears started to fall down my cheek "a few days ago I saw him bring other girls to the barn" he said. In case you don't know the barn was where me and the twins met and we started to become friends everyday I would go to their barn and we would talk and hangout. "I can't believe he would do this to me and after everything we've been through" I said while Grayson holds me then someone calls for me "(y/n) the wedding is about to start" said my mother "I should go thanks for telling me, see you next time" I said while walking away *end of flashback* "do you (y/n) take Ethan to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I-uh-i-i" I stuttered "I don't I'm sorry Ethan" I said then picked up my dress and ran away I got into my car and left while everyone went after me. I went to my apartment and changed into jean booty shorts and a black crop-top. I picked up my phone and called Grayson. ~Graysons P.O.V~ I was driving while my phone rang, I answered "hello?" I said "hey Grayson" (y/n) said "(y/n)?, hey what happened, where are you?" I asked "I'm at my place, hey the reason I called was because I wanted to know, only if your up for it, wanna go to Las Vegas?" She said "um.. yeah I'm down" I said "great, then I'll see you later" she said "ok, I'll pick you up in a bit, okay, bye" I said then hung up and drove home to pack. ~(y/n) POV~ I was already packed then I heard a honk outside and I looked and it was Grayson. I left my apartment and went with Grayson to las Vegas. 

chose the wrong twin, gave him the wrong fingerWhere stories live. Discover now