chapter 11

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~(y/n) POV~ the nurse came in with the baby "here you go, (y/n), Emma and Ethan Dolan" she said as she handed me my babies "omg hi, Emma I'm your mommy and thats your daddy" I said and Grayson holds Ethan, "hi baby Ethan I'm your daddy and this is your mommy we are gonna love you for ever" Grayson said, the door open and Ethan and our parents were coming in with gifts and balloons "awe so cute, what are there names?" My mother asked "the boys name is Ethan picked by Grayson" I said "you named him after me?" Ethan said "yea, I wanted to show you that you mattered in this family" Grayson said "thanks brother" Ethan said almost crying "and whats the girls name?" grayson mother asked "her name is Emma" I said "you named her after you sister?" Asked my father "yes, cause even tho she is dead she will always be in out hearts" I said "awe sweetie" my parents said hugging me "well we are gonna go so you guys can sleep" everyone said except Ethan how dropped of out clothes and he stayed as Grayson went to go get food "I'm happy for you" Ethan said "thanks so did you ever ask that girl to marry you?" I asked "I did and she said yes" he said "oh Ethan congratulations" I said "thx, so can I hold them?" He asked "yea here you go" I said handing him the babies "careful" I said "hi, I'm your uncle Ethan" he said "actually, me and Grayson want you and your fiancé to be their godparents" I said "so what do you say?" "Yes, I accept I can't wait to tell her" Ethan said Grayson walks in "hey look who I found" Grayson said and Ethan fiancé walks in after grayson "hey, Ethan" she says as she goes behind Ethan admiring the babies "awe congratulations (y/n)" she says "I'm sorry but I never got you name?" I asked her "my name is Evie" she said "well hello Evie" I said giving her a hug "nice to meet you" "nice to meet you too" Evie said "whats there names?" "Ethan and Emma" I said "you name the boy after my fiancé?" "Yes, and congratulations on you guys engagement" me and grayson said "thank you" she says "Ethan tell her what I told you" I said "they want us to be the godparents of the kids" Ethan said "yes, ill be happy too" she said *25 mins later* Ethan and Evie left and me and grayson stayed in the hospital, we were in the bed holding our babies. "Okay I need to take them for some more tests" the nurse Said coming into the room "okay bye my little babies" me and grayson said. "Grayson are you happy with this life?" I asked "of course why shouldn't I be" he said "I love you grayson" I said "I love you too, (y/n)" he said we both have each other and we will never give anything up for it.

A/n this is NOT the end of the story ill be adding more chapters about how the kids are and Ethan and Evies wedding and the rest of (y/n) and Grayson's life together. Comment down below what you want me to add on the next chapters, also follow me and ill be giving a shout-out to 5 people who follow me on the next chapter. Till next time😘😜😝✌️ bye!!;)

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