Chapter 8

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~(y/n) POV~ we drove home where we both live together. He unlocks the door and picks me up bridal style "put me down" I said "you forgot to say something" he said "put me down, daddy" I said "there you go" he said putting me down "why do I have to keep saying that when I have to tell you to do something?" I said "because I want you too" he said "why don't you order that pizza, ill go take a shower" I said while going upstairs "ok princess" he said then took out his phone and ordered two pizzas, lava cakes, and wings. I turn on the water and started to take off my clothes, I go in the shower and started to wash my hair then I felt a pair of arms around my wist. I turned around and see Grayson naked! "Grayson what are you doing?" I said, instead of responding he kissed me, I kissed back. He got out and grabbed a condom and came back in, he put in on and kissed me, I kissed back. Without warning he put it in me "oh Grayson" I said "call me daddy" he whispered in my ear "DADDY!!" I yelled "yes princess?" He said "f-faster p-please?" I said, and he went faster "oh my-" I said "fuck...(y/n)" he said "daddy, I'm about to-" I said "me too, baby girl" he said we both reached our climax and released in each other. We both got out of the shower and got dressed. I just put on my bra and panties and he put on his boxers. The doorbell ringed and Grayson went and answered it, he payed for the food and set it on the table we ate and went to bed "good nite baby girl" Grayson says wrapping his arms around my waist "good nite babe" I said we both kissed and fell asleep in each others arms.

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