chapter 20

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*the next day* *(y/n) P.O.V* I woke up with Grayson's arms wrapped around me. I turn around slowly and looked at him. My handsome husband and father of my children. Grayson eyes open "mmm morning baby girl" he said giving me a kiss. I kiss back "mm morning baby, so the babies are still with your parents" I said "wanna do something fun?" I asked smirking "oh baby girl" he said. I pulled him to me and kiss him with passion and love. He slid off my shirt and short and started kissing my inner thighs. "Mmm all wet for daddy" Grayson said. He pulled off my panties and begin to eat me out "OH FUCK" I yelled out "oh daddy" I moaned out, he continued to eat me out. A few seconds later I felt a knot in my stomach "fuck daddy I'm gonna-" I moan before he slammed into me. "Fuck baby girl" Grayson growled while slamming into me. "Oh daddy u feel so good in me" I moaned "fuck" he moan "daddy I'm gonna cum" I moaned "me too baby girl" he went faster and in a few seconds I came and so did he.

Sorry I made it short, I'm thinking of doing another story with just smuts. Request are open. Love guys. Send me ur request in this order. Name, celebrity, smut or no smut.

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