Chapter 19

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~grayson POV~ damn. She looked hot. I wanted her then and there. i went behind her and picked here up bridal style "grayson put me down" (y/n) said, she laugh and smile. Omg, I love it when she smiles. "Ok" I said and I walked in to the water till I was in waist length then I put her down "ahh, its cold" (y/n) said the she threw water at me "hey" I said then I splashed her "Evie help me" she yelled and Evie came and splashed me "two can play at that game, yo ethan come help me" I yelled and ethan came behind Evie and carried her to where me and (y/n) were at. "Ethan put me down" Evie yelled ethan put her down where (y/n) was at and he walked to where I was "yo, ethan lets go under water then pick them up on our shoulders" I whispered to ethan then we went under water and swam to them I picked up (y/n) and ethan picked up Evie "hey put us down" (y/n) and Evie said "okay," I said and me and ethan threw them behind us "hey" they both said coming up from the water. I kissed (y/n) and ethan kissed Evie "I love you, (y/n)" I said to her "I love you too grayson" she said back then she started to look pale "are you okay?" I asked her "me and (y/n) are going to the sand" Evie said and they both went to the sand and laid there on there towels and me and ethan just swam around. 

~(y/n) POV~ I laid on my towel with Evie on my side, I was watching grayson swim around. Damn, his hard on abs and his chiseled v-line. He looked at me and smirked, I did the same. I wanted him then and there. I put my sunglasses on and laid back down and me and Evie started talking "so what are you gonna name the baby?" I asked her "if its a girl then ill name her after you" she said "really?" I asked "yes, plus its beautiful name" she said thats true (y/n) is a beautiful name "hello, but aren't you (y/n) from youtube?" a guy came up to me and said "yes, I am, you watch me?" I said "I do and congratulations with your marriage and children" he said "thank you" I said "can you sign my phone case?" He asked "sure" I said and I signed his phone case "thank you so much" he said "no problem" I said and he walked away "so you are a youtuber?" evie asked "yes, I am, I have 35 million subscribers" I said "wow" she said then grayson and ethan came to us "who was that guy?" Grayson asked "he was a fan of mine" I said "okay" grayson said and then kissed me, I kissed back (time skips) "lets go home already" I said everyone nodded then we went to where no one could see us and Evie teleported up back home. I went to shower and grayson joined me and after we just went to sleep. 

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