Chapter 17

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~(y/n) POV~ the next day we all agree to train right after breakfast I woke up with grayson arms around my waist. I wasn't feeling good so I got up and ran to the bathroom and puked. I have started to puke ever since a few nights ago "(y/n) are you okay?" Asked grayson "I'm.....fine" I said between my pukes "ill be right back" grayson said and he put on his shoes and went to the store "(y/n) are you okay?" Evie and ethan said as they came in the bathroom "I'm....fine" I said still puking grayson came back with candy and drinks and 2 pregnancy test "here" he said handing me the pregnancy tests "thx babe" I said and I got up and took one of the test. We all waited for the results, I looked at the stick and it was....positive."omg, baby I'm pregnant again" I said smiling "yes, oh princess I'm so happy" grayson said picking me up in a hug Evie and ethan were both happy "great now I don't have to do all this stuff by myself" Evie said "don't worry ill be by your side till the end of the world" ethan said holding Evie in his arms "alright so lets go do some training" I said then all ate breakfast and went to the ULTIMATE and we all trained for 5 hours then we all raced back to the house I teleported so I was first then Evie was second cause she also teleported then grayson was third, and ethan was fourth. "I win" I said "yes, and your prize is me" grayson said "best prize ever" I said and he kissed me and I kissed back I put my arms around his neck. I pulled away before anything happens next. "I'm gonna go check on the twins" Evie said "ill go with you and ill show you how to do everything" I said and we both went to the twins. I open the door and saw the dark figure again "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM AARON!!!" I yelled then grayson and ethan came behind us as me and Evie ran to the twins and held them in our arms "those could have been mine and you could've been mine (y/n)" Aaron said "FUCK YOU I NEVER LOVED YOU, I WAS FORCED TO DATE YOU" I yelled at him "OH REALLY THEN HOW COME I WAS YOUR FIRST? HUH EXPLAI THAT TO ME" he yelled back "YOU SON OF A BITCH, YOU'RE LYING YOU WERE NEVER MY FIRST AND YOU WILL NEVER BE MY ANYTHING, PLUS I ALREADY HAVE SOMEONE AND ITS GRAYSON AND HE IS PERFECT FOR ME" I yelled. Our yelling cause the twins to cry "Evie take the twins and go home" I said and I handed her Emma and the babies bag and she teleported to her house, ethan stayed in case we need him "AARON LEAVE MY HOUSE AND LEAVE MY FAMILY ALONE YOU BASTARD" I yelled then he came up to me and slapped my "DONT YOU TOUCH HER!!" Grayson yelled and punched Aaron in the face. I got up and attacked Aaron "don't you be hitting me like you were when we were dating, I said it gain and ill said it again I NEVER LOVED YOU" I yelled while I was hitting him then Aaron punched grayson and he threw me across the room then he went on top of me and started to hit me "grayson!! Ethan!!! Help" I yelled while Aaron kept hitting me. Grayson pulled him off me, I could see anger in him, he was so mad that he was burning Aaron with his fire power "ahhh let me go" Aaron yelled while getting burn. I was bleeding from my nose and mouth good thing he never hit my stomach "grayson put him down you can't have all the fun" ethan said and he started to punch Aaron while grayson uses his telekinesis to hold him up in the air then I was being lifted from where I was standing and I started to glow then my hand were glowing I lifted them up and.....

A/n I'm sorry for the cliffhanger. I've had these stories since 2015 cause I like writing stuff like this. I just changed some names thats it, anyway Love you guys bye✌️👋😝😜😘😍

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