Chapter 1

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~3 years later, (y/n) point of view~ I was at my shop in the backroom when I heard the doorbell go off and I heard a familiar voice "hello" said Grayson I walked out of the backroom and see him in front of the counter "hey Grayson its been a long time, so how are you?" I asked "oh I'm fine, uh I'm a multimillionaire I've been building my empires and still single, so um how are you?" He said "oh, I'm fine I have a very successful shop making wedding dresses and I finally have my own mansion and everything" I said "oh thats good" he said "so what brings you here?" I asked "um, you remember nana Bella well she is getting married and she wants you to make her wedding dress" he said "yes I would love to make her wedding dress" I said "perfect then ill see you around" he said "great, see you next time" I said while he left *2 hours later* I was at my place then I heard my phone ring I looked at who was calling me..., it was Grayson, I answered. ~graysons POV~ the phone rings then I heard a a voice on the other line "hello" (y/n) said "hey um nana wanted to know if you want to come over for dinner to discuss about the wedding dress" I said "yeah sure I'll be there in a few" she said "okay then later bye" I said then hung up then I start to remembered what happened in Las Vegas. ~flashback~ *(y/n) POV* me and Grayson head up to our suite. I open the door as we enter the suite Grayson picks me up bridal style "hey,*giggles* put me down" I said, he put me down "I'm gonna shower, why don't you go and buy some drinks and snacks ok?" He said "ok I'll be back" I said while walking out the suite. I went to the store and bought beer and snacks, I payed for the stuff and left the store. I was walking back to the suite then a drunk man comes up to me "hey pretty thang" he said trying stay standing up I ignored him and just kept walking he then put both hands on the wall making sure I don't leave. He tried to touch me then Grayson appeared behind him and pulled him off me "don't you touch her" he said and punched the man and grabbed the stuff from my hands and dragged me back to the suite. As we enter the suite he puts the stuff in the kitchen and I payed on the bed, he came up to me and checked if the man did anything to me. "I'm fine" I said he then looked at me in my eyes and we locked eyes "never let your guard down" he said then kissed me, I kiss back he hovered over me I put my arms around him and.... ~flashback ends~

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