Chapter 5

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*1 month later/ (y/n) POV* me and Grayson have been dating for a month and for some reason I've been throwing up a lot. When I got home from the store today, I went and open a pregnancy test box, I did what I was suppose to do and and waited for the results. I looked at the results and it was... positive. I freaked out and took another test... same results. "Could I really be pregnant?" I asked myself then I went to my room and called Grayson "hello?" He said "Grayson we need to talk" I said "ok, ill be there in a few" he said then hung up. *5 mins later/ doorbell rings* "who is it?" I yelled from upstairs "its Grayson" he said "its open" I said pushing a button so it would unlock. He opens the door and enters and closes it "(y/n)? Where are you" he said "I'm upstairs" I said then he comes upstairs "hey, why did you call me to come?" He said "g-grayson, I need to tell you something" I said about to cry "whats wrong" he said holding me "I-im p-pregnant" I said "why are you sad?" He asked me "you aren't mad?" I asked "why would I be, this is my child, and I'm going to have a family with the girl I love in the whole world" he said all happy "I'm so happy for us" I said while he picked me up and kissed me. "Wait, how are we gonna tell bella and ethan?" I said "well bella is gonna get married in a week and ethan is busy and you barely finished fellas wedding dress" he said "lets tell them today at dinner" I said happy "okay, I love you (y/n)" he said "I love you too Grayson" I said then he kissed me, I kissed back "ill see you at dinner I have to go get something" he said "ok, I have to get ready anyway ill see you later then" I said then kissed him goodbye and he left. ~graysons POV~ I'm so happy that I'm going to have a family with the women I love the most. I was driving to a jewelry store I'm going to surprise (y/n) by asking her to marry me.i picked up the ring and went home to get ready. *3 hours later/ (y/n) POV* I was driving to the Dolan mansion, I was ready to tell everyone that I'm pregnant with Grayson's baby, I got to there place and got out my car and walked to the door I was about to ring the doorbell, but someone opened it. "Hey, (y/n) said ethan "hi ethan" I said "well come on in" he said "thx" I said walking in, I see Grayson coming down the stairs "hey, babygirl" he says to me "hi baby" I say to him ethan walks away "are you ready to tell them?" He asks me "I'm nervous but with you by my side ill be fine" I said then he kissed me and I kissed back. We start to walk to the dining room and Grayson sits across from me and bella and ethan sit across from each other. We all start to eat I look at ethan and he looks at me "(y/n) thank you again for making my wedding dress how much did you say it was again?" Bella said "$1,500" I said "I'll give you a check after we are done eating" she says. We all finished eating and me and Grayson call bella and ethan to the living room "we have some big new to share with you guys" Grayson say "I'm pregnant" I said "oh my, congratulations" bella says "thank you" I said then I look at ethan he was shocked "um can I have you guys attention" grayson said "I have something I need to ask (y/n)" he says "Grayson?" I said "(y/n) we/ve been dating for some time now and now I finally know what I want" he says then he pulled out a small box "oh my-" I said "(y/n) will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" grayson says opening the box and holding my hand "grayson" I said about to cry "well what do you say?" He asked me 

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